Please be aware that this week is fully booked for me, and I am also recovering from a spinal injury. As such, updating to Relics 5.60 will likely occur over the UK Easter holidays 5th - 20th April, though I may lay some groundwork before then. Apologies for the delay.

A hotspot for mass mining Minerals

Player must install a Survey Device in your multi-tool and use Surveying Mode on your Analysis Visor to find hotspots on planets.
The mineral hot-spot resources match the planet's available resources.
There are always at least 16 hotpots available within 1050u from any location. These will always include at least one of each of the following: Power, Oxygen, Compressed Gas, Random Mineral, and an element specific to the system and the biome.
To locate hotspots that are hard to come by while using the surveyor; listen closely to the audio when you have the surveyor out and hear if its from either the left or right. The key is to get the sound of the location centred on the surveyor and head in that direction general. However its more identifiable with ear buds, surround sound, or headphones on.
See the guide pages on this for more info.
Additional Information:
Mineral hotspots are useful for those who want to make money selling ores or who need them for manufacturing valuable items.
Place a Mineral Extractor on a Deep-Level Mineral Deposit hotspot and power it to extract large amounts of ore of one type. Mineral Extractors do need 50kPs power each to operate, but their advantage is they only need power—you don't have to keep coming back to refuel it as is the case with the Autonomous Mining Unit.
Mining hotspots can produce 250, 500, 750, and 1000 units per cycle, per extractor, at C, B, A, and S potential, respectively. Within a mining hotspot, you can place as many Mineral Extractors as you like, subject only to base complexity limits. Mineral density as shown in the Survey Device will be 100, 200, 300, or 400, corresponding to classes C, B, A, and S potential. The further away from the hotspot, the fewer units per cycle can be collected.
Mineral Extractors have a capacity of 250 units, but they can be connected via supply pipes to Supply Depots which hold an additional 1000 units each.
At a certain point of building more & more extractors, they begin to see diminishing returns. This helps to prevent massive, lag or crash inducing mining facilities.
Contents / Details Of POI:
Copper, Activated Copper, Cadmium, Activated Cadmium, Emeril, Activated Emeril, Indium, Activated Indium,
Paraffinium, Pyrite, Dioxite, Ammonia, Phosphorus, Uranium, Rusted Metal, Mordite, Facium, Basalt,
Oxygen, Sulphurine, Radon, Nitrogen,
Cobalt, Gold, Pure Ferrite, Magnetised Ferrite, Salt, Silver, Sodium
Mineral Hotspot