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M Structure
Ossified, Petrified, Calcified

Exotic Weird
Resources Always Found Here:
Trophies / Purpose:
Living Mollusc


Exotic worlds are characterized by having various mysterious objects not found in any other biomes. When viewed from space, most of them look rocky and pockmarked by holes. However, there are some that look like giant, artificial Hex worlds. The games' code for these worlds is "Weird".
Unlike dead worlds, there is no elevated strain on life support. Unique structures and, very rarely, vacant bases can be found here as well. Gold deposits can sometimes be found on these planets. Exotic worlds will never have water.
More uniquely than other biomes, flora and minerals are wholly determined by the specific sub type of exotic biome; Exotic biomes will only have a handful of unique flora and mineral types exclusive to this biome. An exotic biome will almost always have only one type of fauna, although rare cases of exotic worlds with two species of fauna have been found.
A single unique Stabilised Reality Glitch will be found in each exotic biome.
The M Structure subbiome is also referred to as the Mollusc-Virus for its calcified shells and animated virus-shaped purple phenomena. This anomaly type is very similar to the nanophage, but not at all artificial. The calcification is the endproduct of a biological process seen in nature as well. The mollusc-based shells coat the surface in a myriad of structures and can be absorbed by local plants - or more likely fungi - to form superstructures that yield carbon and are registered as plants in the visor. Visually, they resemble a complex molecule. Some of the singular large white mollusc shells still have a 'living' core inside them that lights up if one aims at them. While purple virus-like or phage-like structures can be seen floating in the air, there is no way to interact with them on the same plane of existence.
Smaller versions of the calcified molluscs, so called Ossified Stars, can be picked up and taken home for study or showcase in a base. Some of these small 'stars' are still alive and quite mobile as the fading light animates them. These Living Molluscs will move about the surface and grow until they are too big to move and become one of the large mollusc with the still working but fading starlight... until they die and get absorbed by the superstructures.
Biome Landscapes

Fauna (Existing or Ideas)

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