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Hexagonal, Plated, Scaly

Exotic Weird
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Exotic worlds are characterized by having various mysterious objects not found in any other biomes. When viewed from space, most of them look rocky and pockmarked by holes. However, there are some that look like giant, artificial Hex worlds. The games' code for these worlds is "Weird".
Unlike dead worlds, there is no elevated strain on life support. Unique structures and, very rarely, vacant bases can be found here as well. Gold deposits can sometimes be found on these planets. Exotic worlds will never have water.
More uniquely than other biomes, flora and minerals are wholly determined by the specific sub type of exotic biome; Exotic biomes will only have a handful of unique flora and mineral types exclusive to this biome. An exotic biome will almost always have only one type of fauna, although rare cases of exotic worlds with two species of fauna have been found.
A single unique Stabilised Reality Glitch will be found in each exotic biome.
Notably the most famous subbiome, the Hexagon, or often just abbreviated to The Hex, is an anomaly type which divides the planet into a hexagonal landscape. Their placement is implied to be so pristine, that they form bigger hexagons from an ever increasing distance up to space itself. Ultimately, this makes the Hex the only subbiome that is visible from outer space. Despite this illusion of perfection, the planet's surface is entirely composed of hexagonal plates, rocks, and flora on an alternating terrain.
The plants on this world resemble optic fiber and glow in yellow with several hexagon plates serving as their leaves. Smaller versions of this foliage, the Hexplate Bushes, can be safely removed and brought home to study or showcase to other travellers among the stars. Further structures are giant domes of hexagon plates mounted on floating tentacle-like superstructures, which are once again similar to optic fibre and glow yellow. While most of these structures seem 'dead', some of these tentacle domes begin their life as quite agile Plateletes which carry just one hexagon on their head and run around in clusters, groups or schools. It is unclear if they act individual or as a hive. It can be speculated that if merged together later in their life they might form the giant domes encountered on these worlds. It is not impossible.
Biome Landscapes

Fauna (Existing or Ideas)

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