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Smoke (03).png


NMSResources Infographics

#BG3 Videos.png
#BG2 Infographics.png




Red - Blue Stars On Ring Moon.png

Different Names for this Biome:

Crimson, Planetary Anomaly, Lost Red, [REDACTED], Stellar Corruption Detected, Chromatic Fog, Vermillion Globe, Scarlet, Blood, Wine Dark

Red Mega Exotic

Different Names for this Biome:

Planetary Anomaly, Lost Green, [REDACTED], Stellar Corruption Detected, Chromatic Fog, Vile Anomaly, Toxic Anomaly, Doomed Jade, Haunted Emeril, Deathly Green Anomaly

Green Mega Exotic

Different Names for this Biome:

Planetary Anomaly, Lost Blue, [REDACTED], Stellar Corruption Detected,
Chromatic Fog, Harsh Blue Globe, Frozen Anomaly, Azure, Cerulean, Ultramarine

Blue Mega Exotic

Different Names for this Biome:

Monochrome, Planetary Anomaly, Malfunctioning, Breached, Infected, [REDACTED], Glassy, Thirsty, Doomed, Erased, Temporary, Corrupted

Other Mega Exotic


Different Names for this Biome:

Rainy, Verdant, Tropical, Viridescent, Grassy, Temperate, Humid, Overgrown, Flourishing, Bountiful, Paradise (not available if combat settings on hostile).


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Barren, Desert, Rocky, Bleak, Parched, Abandoned, Barren, Dusty, Desolate, Wind-swept


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Charred, Arid, Scorched, Hot, Fiery, Boiling, High Temperature, Torrid, Incandescent, Scalding


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Frozen, Icebound, Arctic, Glacial, Sub-zero, Icy, Frostbound, Freezing, Hiemal, Hyperborean


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Toxic, Poisonous, Noxious, Corrosive, Acidic, Caustic, Acrid, Blighted, Miasmatic, Rotting


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Irradiated, Radioactive, Contaminated, Nuclear, Isotopic, Decaying Nuclear, Gamma-Intensive, High Radio Source, Supercritical, High Energy


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Terraforming Catastrophe, Dead, Empty, Desolate, Lifeless, Forsaken, Life-Incompatible, Low Atmosphere, Airless, Abandoned


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Marshy, Swamp, Tropical, Foggy, Misty, Boggy, Endless Morass, Quagmire, Hazy, Cloudy, Vapour, Reeking, Murky, Damp


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Lava, Magma, Erupting, Volcanic, Ash-Shrouded, Ashen, Tectonic, Unstable, Violent, Molten, Flame-Ruptured, Imminent Core Detonation, Obsidian Bead, Basalt


Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Corrupted, Dissident, Forsaken, Rebellious, Answer To None, Sharded from the Atlas, Dissonant, De-Harmonized

Corrupted / Dissonant

Always found in this this Biome:

(These are a variation on any main planet type).

Atlantideum, Harmonic Scrap, Living Fragments, Radiant Shard, Inverted Mirror, Harmonic Brain, Crystallised Heart, Aeron Turbojet Backpack, Sentinel Interceptor Starships

Different Names for this Biome:

Lush - The Nest, Infested Paradise, Xeno-Colony, Worm-ridden
Barren - Infested, Terrorsphere, Infected Dustbowl, Tainted
Scorched - Infested, Boiling Doom, Fiery Dreadworld, Corrupted
Frozen - Infested, Icy Abhorrence, Frozen Hell
Toxic - Infested, Caustic Nightmare, Toxic Horror
Radioactive - Infested, Radioactive Abomination, Mutated


Always found in this this Biome:

(These are a variation on any main planet type).

Whispering Eggs / Biological Horrors

Larval Core / Writhing Manuscript / Flesh Rope / Vile Spawn / Juicy Grub - Brood Mother Boss Fight - Vile Cortex, Titles & Visages: Broodling Skull / The Hunter's Jaws / Bioluminescent Headpiece / Brood Mother's Maw

Different Names for this Biome:

Lush - Abandoned Paradise, Overgrown, Overgrown Relic, The Reliquary
Barren - Abandoned, Ruined, Ruined Dustbowl, Abandoned Desert
Scorched - Ruined, Scorched Relic, Lost to Fire, Abandoned Crucible
Frozen - Abandoned, Icy Ruin , Frozen Relic
Toxic - Abandoned, Bleached Ruin, Decaying Ruin
Radioactive - Ruined, Claimed By Decay, Mutating Relic
Dead - Abandoned

Ruined / Relic

Different Names for this Biome:

Gas Giant

Always found in this this Biome:

Different Names for this Biome:

Waterworld, Drowning, Oceanic, Tidal, Waterlocked, Aquatic, Endless Seas, Marine



Shared Gallery - Landscape (207).png

Different Names for this Biome:

Fissured, Breached, Of Light


Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Living Geyser

Different Names for this Biome:

Rattling, Spined, Skeletal

Bone Spire

Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Bone Crawler

Different Names for this Biome:

Bubbling, Frothing, Foaming


Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Blood Balloon

Different Names for this Biome:

Contoured, Cabled, Webbed


Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Living Cable Pod

Different Names for this Biome:

Mechanical, Metallic, Metallurgic

Fract Cube

Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Unchained Terbium Core

Different Names for this Biome:

Hexagonal, Plated, Scaly


Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:


Different Names for this Biome:

Fungal, Sporal, Capped

Hydro Garden

Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:


Different Names for this Biome:

Finned, Bladed, Shell-Strewn

Irri Shell

Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Animated Shells

Different Names for this Biome:

Ossified, Petrified, Calcified

M Structure

Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Living Mollusc

Different Names for this Biome:

Columned, Sharded, Pillared


Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Crystal Elemental

Different Names for this Biome:

Shattered, Fractured, Fragmented

Wire Cell

Buildable Glitch Trophy Found On Planet:

Anomalous Fauna Found On Planet:

Living Zimbaite


AI Landscape - Ringworld (01).png

Different Names for this Biome

Dunes, Golden, Badlands


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Crashed ships, frigates & freighters.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Strange, dry fauna.

Different Names for this Biome

Halo, Hoop, Corona

Ring World

Always found in this this Biome

Randomised raw material resource deposits.

Trophies / Purpose:

Tree, Bush & Grass Blueprints.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Various Fauna, particularly tropical.

Different Names for this Biome

Jovian, Cluster, Gaseous


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:


Fauna found in this this Biome

Abyssal Horrors.

Rare Space Fauna.

Rare Space Dragons.

Different Names for this Biome

Gemstone, Glassy, Translucent


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Glass statues & elemental bottles.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Translucent fauna types & bioluminescent underwater creatures in deep oceans & caves.

Different Names for this Biome

Sweet, Treat, Goodie


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Food items.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Cute & bizarre creatures.

Different Names for this Biome

Cosmic, Celestial, Astral


Always found in this this Biome


Trophies / Purpose:

Food Items.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Abundant. Stranger & Rarer types than typically found elsewhere.

Different Names for this Biome

Concealed, Camouflaged, Veiled

Mist Shrouded

Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:


Fauna found in this this Biome

Near invisible; jump-scare inducing.

Different Names for this Biome

Hollow Core, Hypogean, Incognito


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Exotic resources & challenging boss-fights.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Fungi, Vegetable & Insect.

Different Names for this Biome

Enchanted Woods, Mystical Glen, Bewitched Thicket

Deep Forest

Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Visages & Hunt Trophies.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Strange, magical beasts of all kinds.

Different Names for this Biome

Horror, Dark, Calamity


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Combat Arenas & Trophies.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Very scary monsters.

Different Names for this Biome

Robotic, Electronic, Mechanical


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Combat Arenas & Trophies.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Large, metallic & often aggressive.

Different Names for this Biome

Scrapheap, Dump, Junkyard


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

All manner of items, ships, tools, building parts, pets, etc.

Fauna found in this this Biome


Different Names for this Biome

Game, Brick, Block


Always found in this this Biome

Randomised raw material resource deposits.

Trophies / Purpose:

Collect a variety of buildable trophies based on toys & place them on your base shelves.

Fauna found in this this Biome


Different Names for this Biome

Cushioned, Squishy, Safe


Always found in this this Biome

Randomised raw material resource deposits.

Trophies / Purpose:


Fauna found in this this Biome

Mostly friendly & cuddly.

Different Names for this Biome

Flexagon, Origami, Creased


Always found in this this Biome

Resource deposits replaced with reading tables / trees. These provide a random blueprint when a simple task is performed, or particular items offered.

Trophies / Purpose:

Origami Fauna Figurines.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Entirely friendly, low-poly, folded, fauna.

Different Names for this Biome

Symphonic, Melodic, Noisy


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Bytebeat Tunes.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Different Names for this Biome

Abstract, Cubist, Impressionist


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Poster & Decal Blueprints.

Fauna found in this this Biome

Different Names for this Biome

Foundry, Mill, Studio


Always found in this this Biome

Trophies / Purpose:

Buildable Item Blueprints, Including Legacy Parts.

Fauna found in this this Biome


#BG1 Writing.png


The universe of No Man's Sky is populated by more than 18 quintillion procedurally-generated planets (18,446,744,073,709,551,616 or 2^64 to be exact) of many sizes, colours, and biomes. Each planet orbits a star, creating a cycle of day and night. Each star system has up to 6 planets or moons.


The first player to discover the planet gets one chance to choose to rename it before uploading the information, as well as the same for plants & animals (Flora & Fauna) from the planet. Names will go through a standard profanity filter before allowing upload.


Each planet you visit is different from every other planet; but you will notice similarities. There are 24 main categories of planets, 13 of which have 10 different sub-categories, indicated by their biome names, as seen below. These different sub-categories follow different procedural generation rules to each other. The 11 exotic (weird) style planets have 3 variations each, instead of 10. This brings the total to 160 different types of planet. Any two planets of the same sub-type can turn out to be drastically different to each other, due to the procedural generation element of the game.

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