The Guild Envoy is a stall located inside space stations. It allows players to receive free or discounted rewards from the star system's specific guild.
The player can only receive the rewards once they have achieved a minimum level of standing in the guild. If this is the first time the envoy has been encountered, they will also offer a mission which will improve the player's rank by 5 points, making it very worthwhile.
The guild that shows up in the space station is region specific. So if players are not finding the one they want; they should travel a good distance of star systems away, because almost all of the envoys in that region of space will be of the same guild. The region of a given star system can be learned in the Galactic Map by selecting "Expand" when reviewing the system's details. Each region is capable of containing up to 4096 solar systems, but generally less than 600 of them appear on the Galactic Map.
The system's Race, Economy type & level, and Conflict level have no bearing on the items offered for donation or reedeming. They are simply chosen from a pool of items that are guild specific.

Missions from the Mission Board are locked until certain levels of standing are reached.
Many of the missions available at the Space station Mission Board actually stack with each other, allowing you to complete many of them by completing just the one.
For example, killing 18 fauna will complete all missions that ask you to kill less than 18 fauna.
Notes on Standing:
- To gain access to all of the missions, you may need to raise your standing with each faction.
- You can do so by giving gifts to NPCs and by completing the missions you already have access to. Most missions reward +1 to standing, though some higher ranking missions reward +2. Missions from the guild envoy award +5 to standing.
- You lose 1 standing if you cancel a delivery mission.
- Mission requirements are (Mission Rank/Standing Needed):
1/3 2/8 3/14 4/21 5/30 6/40 7/60 8/100
NMSResources Infographics



Glowing Mineral
Exp Donate Slot 1

Storm Crystal
Exp Donate Slot 2

Artifact Chart
Exp Donate Slot 3

Hadal Core
Exp Donate Slot 4

Ancient Key
Exp Donate Slot 5

Unearthed Treasure
Exp Donate Slot 6

5 Ion Battery
Exp 1 - Free for Initiate and above

Warp Hypercore
Exp 2 - Free for Apprentice and above

500 Condensed Carbon
Exp 3a - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Oxygen
Exp 3b - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Deuterium
Exp 3c - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Magnetised Ferrite
[Needs Confirmation]
Exp 3d - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Sodium Nitrate
Exp 3e - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Ionised Cobalt
Exp 3f - Guild Discount: 60%

Toxic Module (A)
Exp 4d - Free for Associate and above

Radiation Module (A)
Exp 4e - Free for Associate and above

Heat Module (A)
Exp 4f - Free for Associate and above

Cold Module (A)
Exp 4g - Free for Associate and above

Underwater Protection Module (A)
Exp 4h - Free for Associate and above

Larval Core
Exp 4m - Free for Associate and above

Hadal Core
Exp 4n - Free for Associate and above

Storm Crystal
Exp 4o - Free for Associate and above

Artifact Chart
Exp 5a - Free for Master and above

Anomaly Detector
Exp 5b - Free for Master and above

Salvaged Frigate Module
Exp 5c - Free for Master and above

Exosuit Expansion Unit
Exp 5d - Free for Master and above

Storage Augmentation
Exp 5e - Free for Master and above

Life Support Module (S)
Exp 6a - Free for Exalted and above

Movement Module (S)
Exp 6b - Free for Exalted and above

Shield Module (S)
Exp 6c - Free for Exalted and above

Launch Thrusters Module (S)
Exp 6k - Free for Exalted and above

Pulse Engine Module (S)
Exp 6l - Free for Exalted and above

Deflector Shield Module (S)
[Needs Confirmation]
Exp 6m - Free for Exalted and above

Hyperdrive Module (S)
Exp 6n - Free for Exalted and above

Scanner Module (A)
Exp 6o - Free for Exalted and above

Scanner Module (S)
Exp 6p - Free for Exalted and above

Mining Beam Module (S)
Exp 6q - Free for Exalted and above


Salvaged Data
Trader Donate Slot 1

Repair Kit
Trader Donate Slot 2a

Warp Hypercore
Trader Donate Slot 2b

Blood Salt
[Needs Confirmation]
Trader Donate Slot 3a

Stolen DNA Samples
Trader Donate Slot 3b

Moon Ether
Trader Donate Slot 3c

Prismatic Feathers
Trader Donate Slot 3d

Trader Donate Slot 3e

Counterfeit Circuits
Trader Donate Slot 3f

Banned Weapons
[Needs Confirmation]
Trader Donate Slot 3g

First Spawn Relics
[Needs Confirmation]
Trader Donate Slot 3h

Re-Latticed Arc Crystal
Trader Donate Slot 4a

Vector Compressor
Trader Donate Slot 4b

Quantum Accelerator
Trader Donate Slot 4c

Fusion Core
Trader Donate Slot 4d

Neural Duct
Trader Donate Slot 4e

Teleport Coordinators
Trader Donate Slot 4f

Superconducting Fibre
Trader Donate Slot 4g

Factory Override Unit
Trader Donate Slot 5a

Salvaged Frigate Module
[Needs Confirmation]
Trader Donate Slot 5b

Exosuit Expansion Unit
Trader Donate Slot 5c

Storage Augmentation
Trader Donate Slot 5d

Cargo Bulkhead
Trader Donate Slot 5e

Living Glass
Trader Donate Slot 6a

Liquid Explosive
Trader Donate Slot 6b

Circuit Board
Trader Donate Slot 6c

Multi-Tool Expansion Slot
Trader Donate Slot 6d

3 Starship Launch Fuel
Trader 1 - Free for Initiate and above

Warp Hypercore
Trader 2 - Free for Apprentice and above

500 Nitrogen
Trader 3a - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Radon
Trader 3b - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Sulphurine
Trader 3c - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Platinum
Trader 3d - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Gold
Trader 3e - Guild Discount: 60%

500 Silver
[Needs Confirmation]
Trader 3f - Guild Discount: 60%

5 Organic Catalyst
Trader 4a - Guild Discount: 50%

5 Semiconductor
Trader 4b - Guild Discount: 50%

5 Hot Ice
Trader 4c - Guild Discount: 50%

5 Fusion Accelerant
Trader 4d - Guild Discount: 50%

5 Superconductor
Trader 4e - Guild Discount: 50%

5 Cryo-Pump
Trader 4f - Guild Discount: 50%

Liquid Explosive
Trader 5a - Guild Discount: 50%

Living Glass
Trader 5b - Guild Discount: 50%

Circuit Board
Trader 5c - Guild Discount: 50%

Salvaged Frigate Module
Trader 6a - Free for Exalted and above

Storage Augmentation
Trader 6b - Free for Exalted and above

Cargo Bulkhead
Trader 6c - Free for Exalted and above

Salvaged Glass
Merc Donate Slot 1

Pirate Transponder
Merc Donate Slot 2

Quad Servo
Merc Donate Slot 3

Crystallised Heart
Merc Donate Slot 4

Hardframe Engine
Merc Donate Slot 5

Walker Brain
Merc Donate Slot 6

2,500 Projectile Ammunition
Merc 1 - Free for Initiate and above

Walker Brain
Merc 2a - Free for Apprentice and above

Crystallised Heart
Merc 2b - Free for Apprentice and above

Unstable Plasma
Merc 2c - Free for Apprentice and above

500 Rusted Metal
Merc 3a - Guild Discount: 50%

500 Pugneum
Merc 3b - Guild Discount: 50%

500 Mordite
Merc 3c - Guild Discount: 50%

Shield Module (A)
Merc 4a - Guild Discount: 66%

Boltcaster Module (A)
Merc 4b - Guild Discount: 66%

Blaze Javelin Module (A)
Merc 4c - Guild Discount: 66%

Pulse Spitter Module (A)
[Needs Confirmation]
Merc 4d - Guild Discount: 66%

Scatter Blaster Module (A)
Merc 4e - Guild Discount: 66%

Neutron Cannon Module (A)
[Needs Confirmation]
Merc 4f - Guild Discount: 66%

Plasma Launcher Module (A)
Merc 4g - Guild Discount: 66%

Starship Shield Module (A)
Merc 4i - Guild Discount: 66%

Photon Cannon Module (A)
Merc 4j - Guild Discount: 66%

Phase Beam Module (A)
Merc 4k - Guild Discount: 66%

Positron Module (A)
[Needs Confirmation]
Merc 4l - Guild Discount: 66%

Infra-Knife Module (A)
Merc 4m - Guild Discount: 66%

Cyclotron Module (A)
Merc 4n - Guild Discount: 66%

Sentinel Boundary Map
Merc 5a - Free for Master and above

Multi-Tool Expansion Slot
Merc 5b - Free for Master and above

Shield Module (S)
Merc 6a - Guild Discount: 66%

Boltcaster Module (S)
Merc 6b - Guild Discount: 66%

Blaze Javelin Module (S)
Merc 6c - Guild Discount: 66%

Pulse Spitter Module (S)
Merc 6d - Guild Discount: 66%

Scatter Blaster Module (S)
Merc 6e - Guild Discount: 66%

Neutron Cannon Module (S)
Merc 6f - Guild Discount: 66%

Plasma Launcher Module (S)
Merc 6g - Guild Discount: 66%

Starship Shield Module (S)
Merc 6i - Guild Discount: 66%

Photon Cannon Module (S)
[Needs Confirmation]
Merc 6j - Guild Discount: 66%

Phase Beam Module (S)
Merc 6k - Guild Discount: 66%

Positron Module (S)
Merc 6l - Guild Discount: 66%

Infra-Knife Module (S)
Merc 6m - Guild Discount: 66%

Cyclotron Module (S)
Merc 6n - Guild Discount: 66%