NMSResources Infographics

Getting a pet is very easy. You'll simply need to feed an animal that you like the looks of & then go & interact with it. You can then claim it.
You can have up to 18 pets, but 16 of the slots are locked at first. They cost nanites to unlock - 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, then all remaining slots cost 20,000 each.
Pets have stats that can be changed through genetic modification - more on that in a minute.
Assertion controls how aggressive it is towards other creatures. Increasing it makes them more docile while decreasing it makes them more aggressive. A more aggressive Companion will be marked with Aggression in the Companion Registry. Gentleness will make a creature scan for resources more often, while aggression will suppress this action more often. Higher aggression also increases the creature's want for attention from you. Aggressive creatures tend to randomly hunt for food, somewhat decreasing the need to feed them (but randomly slaying nearby docile creatures in the process).
Attention controls how often the companion needs attention from you. Devotion increases it, but Independence decreases it. Independence will increase the radius of which the creature will listen to commands from you while the opposite decreases it.
Utility controls how often Companions help you with their unique abilities. Increasing Helpfulness will make them do these abilities more often while decreasing them will make them goof around more. A less helpful Companion will be marked Playful in the Companion Registry. Playfulness increases how often a creature will do a 'playful' action. A creature with complete playfulness will not help you out whatsoever.
If you want your pet to do more mining or finding treasure, or whatever, equip the appropriate accessory, raise their helpfulness or aggression (& their loyalty to you via petting & feeding + time). They'll use their attachment more often & to greater effect the higher those stats are. Pointing at things with your pet quick menu helps too.
A companion may perform the following actions:
Scanning Resources.
Hazard Marking.
Illumination with lights.
Attacks on predators, harmful plants, and sentinels.
Find a structure.
Unearth treasures.
Extraction of resources.
Facium Production.
Predatory behavior to self-feed.

Pets have three age groups - child (recently hatched from an egg), adult & mature. Each stage can last for 1-10 days.
Each pet has the ability to lay a set amount of eggs. Take your pet to its preferred planet type (see info in pet menu) & ask it for an egg.
Now that you have your egg, take it to the egg sequencer near Cronus on the Space Anomaly & begin gene splicing to create a better pet.
The gene splicer has a slot for the egg and 4 slots for modifications, where you can add resources or items; these slots are:
Growth Hormone - Increases/decreases height & weight
Gene Splitter - Changes anatomy of creature e.g. adding new limbs. Leave blank if you're happy with how your creature looks.
Dye Injector - Changes colours on your pet. (Always reads as Unstable, just like Gene Splitter)
Neural Calibrator - Adjusts the stats on one set of the personality traits I mentioned earlier.
Eggs that are ready to hatch can be processed through the Egg Sequencer as many times as you want. This allows you to get 100% on all traits within the 1st generation of hatchlings. In addition this allows for a reroll on genetic traits and colour as well.
In most cases, the background of the resource/item in inventory is linked to the outcome of the colour on pet.
This is not always the case though. The basic resource (e.g. Carbon) only affects the primary colour where it's processed variant (e.g. Condensed Carbon) influences both primary and secondary colour mutations.
It is worth noting that results can vary.
The colouration from a given resource or item can be different dependant on Genus; and you may experience different results (up or down) in their personality changes with the Neural Calibrator, even within the same Genus of Fauna.