NMSResources Infographics

Cooking is a process of combining various ingredients, raw ingredients, and/or harvested agricultural substances into consumable products with the use of a Nutrient Processor.
First, the player must create baits to attract & feed fauna, to gain their various eggs, milks & honey.
With the flowers, meats & animal products the player has now collected, they can combine ingredients to make new foods.
See linked pages for the various steps to creating further products:
Food Icons / Links / Recipe Blueprints / Recipe Catalogue

So why cook?
For fun & to complete your catalogue.
Consume the items for boosts to your health, speed, hazard protection, jetpack, e.t.c.
Sell for Units (this amount can get very high as you progress through the stages).
Give to Cronus the Chef on the Space Anomaly to gain a random amount of Nanites, or very rarely Quicksilver.
(This RNG amount has much higher chances of higher amounts as you progress through the stages).