NMSResources Infographics

Since the Origins update, there are five atmospheric events that can occur in conjunction with an ongoing storm. With this update, the Exosuit can now take advantage of the extreme conditions: superheated temperatures can be processed into improved jetpack efficiency; freezing temperatures prevent Mining Beam overheating; high radioactivity increases mining yield; dense toxic gases can be recirculated for additional stamina.
Worlds - Part Two 5.5:
Planets now feature local hazards in addition to the survival challenges posed by the weather. Explorers should be on the lookout for: Radioactive Fallout Anomaly, Wandering Toxic Spore Cloud, Geothermal Geysers, Volcanic Eruptions & Localised Electrical Anomaly.

Firestorms - Occur on extreme temperature worlds
Fire will damage players if they get too close
Fire dissipates after a storm subsides
A wall of flame version exists on Volcanic Worlds
Gravitational Anomaly - Occur on anomalous planets
Will exhibit sudden low-gravity shifts on the planet's surface
An Antimatter version exists on Corrupted Sentinel Planets in Dissonant Systems
Lightning - Can occur with any storm
Can occasionally strike the ground near the player and cause damage
Meteor Showers - Can occur independently of a storm at the horizon, or as it's own event close to the player
Meteoroids can damage the player, with the strike zone being indicated with a red circle on the planet's surface
Tornadoes - Can rarely occur with storms, and is indicated with an "extreme wind event" Exosuit warning
Will pick up nearby players and creatures