PuzzleType: TRA_NPC_
Alien: Hello new friend! The Gek first encounter tradition is to give units!
The small creature is busy adding up trade profits when I appear. Their eyes open wide in anticipation of our first contact, and they rubs their fingers together greedily.
The lifeform pecks emphatically at the monetary figures on their pad, then bounces up and down. I can't help but notice that they smell amazing.
{Give units}
The lifeform is clearly thrilled. They give me something in exchange.
{Apologise for being unable to help}
The lifeform looks disappointed. They take pity on my confusion, and give me some units.
{Pat the lifeform on the head}
There is a long silence. The trader emits a foul-smelling gas.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Friend despair! Gek Trader replace bad scent! Watch! Gek swallow oxide elements, and joyful scent appears!
The air around the beaked lifeform smells foul. It seeps into my exosuit and makes me gag. Noticing my expression, the trader pecks at an element they carry. They break the substance into pieces, then swallow each whole.
There is a deep gurgle, and the Gek emits a gas packet that smells delightful. The creature wipes their empty hands, and beams at me with pleasure.
{Thank with common isotope}
The trader nods a brief thank you. They pay for my contribution, but would perhaps have preferred something else.
{Thank with common oxide}
The overjoyed trader pecks happily at my gift. They thank me with their own generous offering.
{Thank with common silicate}
The trader nods a brief thank you. They pay for my contribution, but would perhaps have preferred something else.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Welcome friend. Gek trader desire common oxides and common silicates. Gek trader DEEPLY desire isotopes! Teach new friend language!
The lifeform's eyes widen in surprise when I go to talk to it. They lean back, and watch for sudden movements. They have very clearly never seen anything quite like me before.
I mime that I cannot speak their language and, increasingly reassured, the beaked trader indicates that they are willing to help - in exchange for particular elements.
{Give silicate}
The grateful trader clicks their beak. They teach me some of the dialect of their people.
{Give oxide}
The grateful trader clicks their beak. They teach me some of the dialect of their people.
{Give isotope}
The grateful trader clicks their beak with delight. My offering is clearly what it most desired. They teach much of the dialect of their people.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Despair! Gek Trader stranded. Suit power low. Give Isotope?
The trader eyes the facility exit door sadly, as if they have been stuck in here for a while. They reach down with their beak and dejectedly pecks at their suit's power cells and life support system.
Their suit looks run down. The lack of charge means that it's ill-equipped for the hostile conditions that rage outside.
{Give Isotope element}
The relieved trader emits a gas packet. They recharge their suit power cells, and reward me.
{Give Silicate element}
The lifeform is confused.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Stupid friend cannot understand! Give oxide, idiot friend! Fair trade for gift of memory-smell!
The trader emits a strong, flowery scent, which quickly enters my exosuit system. I feel overcome with nostalgia for a perfect place I have never visited. I want to sing.
Flushed with joy, I try to signal my thanks to the trader for this olfactory gift, but they make it clear that they expect something in return.
{Give units}
The trader takes my units, and turns away from me. The air suddenly tastes sour. My senses are being punished.
{Give rare oxide}
The trader snorts in satisfaction, and suddenly I feel as though I am lounging beside a crystal ocean. A fair trade.
The trader hisses in annoyance. The air suddenly tastes sour. My senses are being punished.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Friend... Installation hydration system stalled... Gek temperature high... Help friend... thirst... high... drink... fluid...
The trader seems ill. Their skin is flaking their eyes lack a certain lustre. Their voice croaks and scratches as they slowly gabble at me.
A strange dry, flat stench fills every corner of the facility. I inspect my exosuit for things I could offer this lifeform...
{Give food from exosuit's nutrient system}
The disappointed trader waves me away.
{Give water from exosuit's hydration system}
The trader greedily gulps from my hydration system.
Their gratitude seems immense.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Friend! The planetary technology SalesGek greets you! A multi-tool technology blueprint for a fair price!
The trader looks weak, but they have a cunning air about them. They spin a datapad towards me, and I see that they're selling Multi-Tool components. The prices, however, are eye-watering.
They eye me with a wary interest, waiting to see if I'll bite...
{Pay requested amount}
The delighted trader provides a blueprint. They emit an amazing scent.
{Pressure lifeform into accepting less}
The angry trader grudgingly relents. They emit a foul scent.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Friend! Please avoid crime report and reward! Trader share loot, destroy evidence!
I have caught the trader red-handed. Products and elements are pouring out of the facility's storage vaults, and into their own inventory. Above the gentle buzz of embezzlement that now surrounds us, I can hear the lifeform's terrified gulps.
They look me straight in the eyes, and makes a proposition.
{Demand all stolen goods}
I threaten the trader and take all their purloined trade goods! They report the crime, and blame me...
{Demand a share}
The trader splits their ill-gotten gains with me. No-one will ever know...
{Report crime}
I report the crime, and assume that the trader will be duly punished. I receive a reward.
{Ask for help}
Alien: The Gek Trade Federation offer help!
The trader has been expecting me. They point to their chest, opens their arms wide, and beam pleasantly. They then point to me, and mime concern for my safety.
Pecking at my exosuit, they indicate they might make my journey more bearable.
{Request help with the Sentinels}
The trader offers me a new multi-tool.
{Request help with planetary conditions}
The trader gives me an exosuit technology blueprint.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Despair! I am trapped and bankrupt! Low units!
The lifeform sits in a foul-smelling funk of their own creation. The trading screen behind them is empty, their equipment old and uncared for. Their suit barely looks airtight.
The demoralised lifeform looks up at me with hope in their eyes.
{Give units}
The grateful lifeform gives me the last of their belongings.
{Shake hands}
The lifeform sits in total dejection.
{Refuse to help}
The lifeform sits in total dejection.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Friend! I am a Gek Trade Federation accredited engineer! I give help!
The lifeform clucks and gabbles as they study my equipment. They gently peck at areas of my exosuit that show wear and tear, then runs their gloved fingers over my multi-tool to look for irregularities and imperfections.
Suddenly staring up at me, they squawk an offer and spin a tablet that shows the cost of their services.
{Pay for multi-tool inspection}
The lifeform presents me with a new technology
{Pay for exosuit inspection}
The lifeform mutters and clucks.
They give me a new exosuit technology blueprint.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Rare balarian speech slug distribution point! For insertion in ear! Inedible! Nasal insertion can cause death.
The trader pulls open a noisy trade vault. A close inspection reveals that it's full of writhing molluscs. They are pink and slug-like, with sharp bloodied teeth.
The lifeform suggests that inserting one in or around my face would have some benefits. What I can't quite make out, however, is which orifice it means...
{Insert slug in nose}
The slug bites flesh from my nose. The pain is extreme.
{Insert slug in ear}
The slug burrows deep into my ear. I feel better versed in the language of the traders.
{Insert slug in mouth}
I swallow the slug, and wait while it thrashes around in my stomach.
Nothing else of note occurs.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Despair! Friend, my Deflector Shield blueprint is corrupt!
The lifeform is poring over complex schematics while holding their breath. The holographic blueprints look corrupted. Damaged in-flight, perhaps.
The forlorn trader, their face smudged by a strange oil, looks up to me for help.
{Show Pulse Engine blueprint}
The lifeform thanks me politely... But looks at me as if I am deranged.
{Show Phase Beam blueprint}
The trader makes an audible sigh.
{Show Deflector Shield blueprint}
The overjoyed trader gabbles its thanks. They excitedly hand over a gift.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Friend! The planetary SalesGek greets you! Low units technology!
The trader welcomes me with a pleasant-smelling gas emission. They open a holographic catalogue of exciting companion units for Mining Beams and Boltcasters.
I spot a catalogue of advanced weaponry behind the trader while they're trying to impress me with what looks like a curtsy.
{Offer units for an exosuit technology blueprint}
The trader gives me an exosuit technology blueprint.
{Offer units for a new multi-tool blueprint}
The trader offers me a new multi-tool blueprint.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Terrible pirate events. Gek Trader mistrusts the stranger. What is your cargo's origin?
The visibly upset lifeform shows me a holographic video of attack craft forcing a trade ship to crash land on a planet's surface. Footage taken from orbit shows waiting pirates swarm the cargo hold in a haze of plasma rounds.
The trader then points to the elements I've mined, and looks concerned - accusatory even. They emit a packet of gas that smells troubled.
{Reassure with Mining Beam}
I convince the trader that I am to be trusted. They are hugely relieved.
{Reassure with Boltcaster}
The trader thinks that I am not to be trusted.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Friend! Gek Trade Network offers excellent trade gifts for Oxide elements today!
The Trader bounces excitedly while it boots up a graph that spins gently in front of me. There are three coloured lines - a plunging blue one, a soaring red one and another that's a fairly flat and uneventful yellow.
The squat little lifeform gabbles a little, points to themself and hops from foot to foot. They seem to want to trade items for elements.
{Offer Silicate element}
I trade my elements for a disappointing gift... The trader is thankful.
{Offer Isotope element}
I trade my elements in exchange for an excellent gift
{Offer Oxide element}
I trade my elements for an acceptable gift from the trader. They are grateful.
{Ask for help}
PuzzleType: FTH_NPC_
Alien: Have you – kzkzztt – come for me?
The strange being seems to stare right through me, as if they are not truly there.
And then I see it. There is dried blood caked across its exosuit, splattered across its face.
{Ask about the blood}
It was in such – kzzktt – agony, I had to save it. Please, there was no profit, you can have everything I took. I’ll tell their family...
{Say they are forgiven}
I don’t need your absolution. I did – kzzktt – agony, what I must... I wanted to spread happiness and joy. Would you like some?
{Threaten them}
I draw my multi-tool and demand that it tells me everything, but it is pointless. They just stare up at me and grin.
I see it then, the flesh within their teeth...
Alien: Irrevocably – kzkzzt – corrupted corrupted corrupted. Take, please – final proof we existed – that – that –
The strange being tries to hand me something. But whatever it is, it is immaterial, shimmering in and out of existence.
The lifeform begins to cry, despairing at its own impending disappearance. For a moment I see another universe, a place utterly unlike anything I have ever encountered.
{Stay with them until the end}
A life and a universe are consumed in a blaze of white, and yet the lifeform is still here, apparently unaware of anything that just occurred.
As I leave, they ask if I have received any troubling readings. They are afraid something is happening to their world...
{Ask what is happening}
They tell me that there was an experiment. There were some who doubted if their universe was real, if the world was just a dream.
They did not mean for any of this to happen. They begin to shake as the white space approaches, beseeching me, imploring me not to repeat their mistake...
...and just like that, the vision recedes. We both stand here as if nothing has happened.
As I leave, they ask if I have received any troubling readings. They are afraid something is happening to their world...
{Ask the stranger’s name}
The stranger whispers through their tears. I know it made a sound, but the memory seems to immediately disappear from my mind.
I try again, and again, and the stranger grows frantic at my inability to remember them. Time and space slip away...
and just like that, the vision recedes. We both stand here as if nothing has happened.
As I leave, they ask if I have received any troubling readings. They are afraid something is happening to their world...
Alien: Witness...
The lifeform dons a mask of undulating nanite clusters, and for a moment, their face appears to become my own. I see myself looking at myself looking at myself...
I am going to die. I am sure of it.
{Push the lifeform away}
I push the lifeform away, but it is myself I push.
The mask falls off as I fall, and I am standing there again, once more myself. But the lifeform is displeased, claiming that I have learned nothing. That I rejected their gift...
{Embrace the lifeform}
I embrace the lifeform, but it is myself I embrace.
The mask withers, peeling from my face like flesh. I am myself again...But the lifeform is saddened. They offer me pity.
I die.
I died, I know I did. I felt it, like sinking. Like being watched, forever... And yet here I am again. The stranger smiles at me, claiming that they will see me again. Before I leave, they give me a gift...
Alien: Hm. Unexpected. Hello, my new friend. What business would – kzkzztt - you have with me?
The lifeform tries to shake my hand, but pauses as we phase through one another. They are fascinated by the encounter, claiming to be a Traveller.
It is clear they come from a very different region of space. They have never heard of the Gek, Vy'keen, Korvax, or any of the sights I have encountered. They wish to know more in the spirit of cooperation.
{Bargain for information}
I offer the Traveller everything I know about the species I have encountered, for a price.
The Traveller looks disappointed. They do nothing more than turn away, but they seem deeply hurt.
{Tell them everything}
I tell the Traveller about the species I have encountered, sharing with them my scans, the names of planets I have been to, the words I have learned.
They are curious, asking more and more. Nothing I say satisfies them. Eventually, disappointed, they grow quiet.
They hand me a gift, thanking me for what little I was able to tell them.
{Ask about the Atlas}
I ask whether the Traveller has ever encountered or heard of an entity known as 'Atlas'. The Traveller smiles, claiming they have not. I attempt to continue the conversation, but they bring it to an end.
As I go, they grab my hand, warning me not to go to the centre. They warn me not to listen...
Alien: Another Traveller, hm. Well, we should speak.
Have faith. Not all dreams are idle fancies. Not all fictions are untruths. Perhaps all of this is based in something real. Perhaps we did once exist, long ago...
Proof? Here, look at this...
The Traveller removes an object from their exosuit. It looks abstract, crimson, flesh-like, perfect...
{Look at the object}
I look at the object and am filled with a sense of hope. Everything will be alright. I know it. Nothing can hurt me.
All I have to do is believe and have faith... not in a deity, not in some universal tyrant. No...
It is this, right in front of me.
{Refuse to look}
I refuse to look at the object, turning away from the Traveller.
They claim that they understand, that perhaps I am not ready for their truth. They wish me well.
Alien: Hold. I'm looking for a missing Gek. Perhaps you'd recognise this face?
The Traveller shows me an image of a Gek. They watch me keenly, explaining that they were hired to find this individual by the Trade Federation itself.
{Ask for more information}
The Traveller claims they cannot comment. They seem disappointed that I know nothing, and wish me good luck with my journey.
{Suggest this is not a Gek}
The Traveller is shocked, but their suspicion grows. I tell them the Gek in question is no Gek at all, but a dangerous Korvax imposter known as a 'SynthetiGek'.
They interrogate me and, when satisfied I am not involved, they give me compensation for my time.
{Say yes}
The Traveller is pleased. They ask where I saw the Gek. But when I transmit some coordinates from a few systems back, they grow angry. They say these coordinates are meaningless.
They interrogate me and, when finally satisfied that I know nothing, they give me a little compensation for my time.
Alien: Who do you serve? Which Baron is master of this place?
The Traveller's appearance, its manner, the way it speaks... all of them feel archaic, like nothing I have heard before.
They repeat their question, threatening to draw their Multi-Sword.
{Say you do not understand}
The Traveller grows increasingly agitated, claiming that it is a simple question. I explain that there is no single ruler.
They ask me to prepare for invasion by the Great King, to spread the word far and wide. They give me a boon for my service.
{Claim you are}
The Traveller grows nervous immediately, its demeanour changing to one of begrudging respect. They claim they have a message from the Great King. I am warned to bend a knee or face destruction.
They give me a gift as a token of the riches that await me should I come to a just and wise decision.
{Ask where they are from}
The Traveller draws their Multi-Sword, claiming that I must jest. They declare that their insignia and mandate are clear: they are the Sheriff of the Great King.
They claim my lands are forfeit, and that I will regret this disrespectful incident...
Alien: We were born too late to make a difference. I wonder, sometimes. If there's any point in going on. If anything matters, if history will just sweep everything away.
I'm sorry. I'm in a strange mood... After all, these are the last days, are they not?
The Traveller looks down, their eyes full of pain.
{Encourage them to go on}
The Traveller tries to smile, but fails even that. I try to tell them that there is a whole universe out there, that there is value in living, even if life will end.
They thank me for trying to help. They give me one of their possessions, claiming that they will not need it anymore.
{Ask about the last days}
Have you not felt it? The very fact that you and I are talking, even now, across the chasm of universes...
Things are breaking apart. Give it time, you'll see. Nothing lasts forever.
{Say you feel the same}
I don't know whether to laugh or cry...
Here, take this. I suppose I won't be needing it anymore. Do what you like.
Alien: Do not - kzzkkkt - trust the water.
The Traveller does not say anything else. They just stare at me, occasionally seeming as if they are about to wretch.
{Ask about the water}
The water... Tell me - kzzkkt - did you drink it?
Please, take this - kzzkkkt - run... I just wanted to hear her voice one last time...
{Ask if they are alright}
No, no... not now, not - kzzkkt - the grand bargain, I failed them...
All of them are dead now. I had to drink it. I had no choice.
Alien: You. I've seen you before, I'd swear it. Do you remember me?
You don't, do you? Perhaps you're not even the same as you once were. All of us, we're shifting, bleeding in and out of worlds...
The Traveller looks at me, imploring, hopeful...
{Say you remember}
Hm. I don't know. I don't know at all... You could just be trying to trick me. There are so many untrustworthy souls... Leave me. I need to think. I need to remember who I am...
{Say you don't remember}
That's alright... sometimes we have different names. Sometimes different faces. The ATLAS, it endlessly reconfigures, distilling everything that has ever been.
Here, take this. Perhaps it might help you. You gave it to me, long ago.
{Accuse them of lying}
I can't lie. Nothing can, if everything exists, if everything is possible. Everything is true...
Doesn't that fill you with horror?
Alien: I should have done it sooner. I was... I was afraid. I - how do I do it? How do I make this right?
The Traveller seems ill or old, its words laboured, broken. What decay is like for this species, I do not know, but it tries to speak even in spite of its infirmity.
{Tell them to be honest}
They say they should never have deserted me. That I did not deserve this life, that they know I was just trying to help.
They pass me something through the smog of worlds, and in that instant, I know this individual.
But the vision passes. The Traveller stands before me, as if nothing had happened.
{Ask what they mean}
They say that they abandoned me many years ago. That they were not ready for what fate had forced upon them. They tell me they are proud of me...
They pass me something through the smog of worlds, and in that instant, I know this individual. I know them, as if from another life...
But the vision passes. The Traveller stands before me, as if nothing had happened.
{Say you do not know}
The Traveller cries out and says no more, They hold out their hand as if to touch my own, but then I see the object within their palm.
As I take it, in that instant, I know this individual. I know them, as if from another life...
But the vision passes. The Traveller stands before me, as if nothing had happened.
Alien: I know I'm somewhere far away. But I thought, that's an opportunity to express myself, isn't it?
I could show others sights they've never seen before... that only I will ever see.
May I add you to my collection, I wonder?
The Traveller shows me an album full of images, photographs taken from across the universe and displayed through a variety of filters.
{Say yes}
Wonderful... if you will just hold still, I'll take the picture...
There. Done.
Thank you for this, my friend... I'll even give you something in return. These nanites were given to me by the Traveller of Iteration 27489216. I hope they aid you on your path. Happy Travelling!
{Say no}
Hm. A pity, but I respect your choice... not everyone suits having their photograph taken.
Very well, I shall become the subject of my own art... I will photograph myself in space.
Alien: Warning: ATLAS containment suit breached. Warning...
The Traveller stands vacant, unresponsive to my arrival but for the warning from their exosuit.
There appears to be nothing wrong with the Traveller, but for a strange crimson substance at its hip.
{Touch the substance}
The substance recedes at my touch. My own suit begins to issue a warning, but it is quickly silenced.
I find myself strangely light-headed, and in possession of new nanite clusters.
{Offer medical assistance}
I offer assistance but upon further scrutiny, I realise that the Traveller within the suit is already dead.
The suit continues to speak, aping what must have been its wearer's voice. It gives me units, trying to act as if nothing was wrong.
{Leave them}
I leave them alone, the suit's warning echoing as I depart...
Alien: You - you there! Have you ever felt alone? Under threat from forces beyond imagining? Are you comfortable with multiversal cohabitation?
If so, you'll love the Rentocniijik Expanse! Our capital, Drogradur NO425, is throneworld to our thriving community of interdimensional anomalies.
Please, consider moving today!
The message repeats and repeats, unvarying, its bearer perhaps only a hologram.
{Suggest you will consider it}
I suggest I will consider it. The friendly Traveller passes me a green badge and some units to assist with my departure.
{Poke the hologram}
I poke the hologram. To my horror, I discover it is not a hologram at all. The Traveller shakes their head, saying they are not sure if there is room for me in their organisation.
{Ask for an incentive}
The friendly Traveller nods, agreeing that the distance is vast. It gives me a warp cell to assist with my departure.
Alien: I need - kzkzkkt - plutonium... please... stranded in the - kzzkzkt -
All chance of rescue lost - kzzkzkt - Traveller, you are my only hope...
{Give plutonium}
I give the Traveller some of my plutonium supplies.
Grateful for my assistance in fuelling their ship, they give me nanites in return. I may have saved their life.
{Offer units}
I offer units. The Traveller gives a faint smile in return. They give me a small gift in acknowledgement of my help.
Perhaps someone will arrive with the stock they need. Perhaps these units will assist them in a purchase. Perhaps that will be too late...
{Say you cannot help}
I say that I cannot help. The Traveller claims that they understand. But as I leave them, it seems certain that without help, they will surely die.
Alien: The creature, it... it spoke to me. It saw me, even in the space between worlds.
And do you know what it did? It gave me a gift, a single piece of paper. A mathematical proof.
The Traveller offers me a darkened manuscript, the material flesh like and almost translucent...
I read the manuscript. It appears to show a mathematical proof that the concept of 'goodness' does not exist.
As I read, the Traveller stares at me. They ask how we can possibly go on, knowing that this is true. I do not know.
We exchange gifts and I move on, troubled by what I have read.
{Refuse to read}
I refuse to read the manuscript. I reassure the Traveller, claiming that whatever this page says, it need not startle them so much as it does.
They just stare at me. Eventually they give me their units, telling me that they are ashamed.
{Destroy the page}
I destroy the page without reading it. The Traveller stares into the flame as it burns.
They tell me that no-one else should ever have to learn what we have learned.
Alien: Don't you understand it? Why we cannot meet, why we find only hollow echoes or corpses?
There is only one of us for each iteration - a single Traveller sent out to explore its vast creation.
That we are speaking at all, that the boundaries have crumbled as much as they have - it should fill you with terror, not with hope.
{Suggest this was meant to happen}
I suggest that this was meant to happen. Even if the Travellers have been alone so far, perhaps we were always meant to find each other. Perhaps this breakdown is for the best.
The Traveller hopes that I am right. They give me a gift for the dark times ahead.
{Ask about the boundaries}
The boundaries are all that separate concept from concept, possible world from possible world, the Sentinels ever policing their anomalies and breaches...
If the boundaries were to fall, everything would descend into everything, an endless bonfire of causation, burning in the abyss.
Take this. It will do no good, yet you will need it.
{Ask how they know this}
The Traveller tells me that they sought something they call the Great Intelligence, its dark freighter. It told them of our fate, the Traveller's dilemma, our future...
They give me a gift for the dark times ahead, wishing me luck.
Alien: You... I saw you there, speaking to myself...
I've been having such terrible dreams. I should not have sought the Atlas... I should not have listened to their voices. I'm going to kill again.
And when I do, I'll find you, blood caked across my exosuit, flesh within my teeth...
I can't stop it. I see this future as if it has already happened... as it will happen. Nothing can prevent it. What can I do? How can I live with this knowledge?
{Suggest the vision is false}
You are kind for saying so, but you are wrong.
Take this. I will not be needing it any longer. Not when I am awake.
{Propose they prevent it}
How? Kill myself? I would just return... something would bring me back. This cannot be prevented.
Take this. I will not be needing it any longer. Not when I am awake.
{Say the future is not their fault}
It is. I will do what I will do, because I am myself.
You should leave. I am experiencing such thoughts... such terrors...
Alien: Hm. It's really you, isn't it? I had to see it for myself. The dawn of the Travellers. The last days of the universe.
But don't give up hope. It's said that one of us visited you in your darkest hour and showed you a vision of a future you believed to be impossible.
So, here I am...
I see a vision of myself, older, undaunted, travelling beneath the star of an alien world. But I am not alone. There are other Travellers with me. More than just apparitions, more than just visitors.
One day we will travel together, side by side. There will be no sky we cannot claim, no challenge which we cannot overcome. Our universe awaits.
The vision ends. The Traveller asks me how I feel.
{Say you prefer to be alone}
I say that I prefer to be alone. The Traveller nods, claiming that they knew I would say this.
They give me a gift from my future self, in honour of my past.
{Ask how they know this}
I ask how they know this. The Traveller smiles, claiming that they knew I would say this. They do not elaborate. They merely hand me a gift from my future self, in honour of my past.
{Say it inspires you}
I say that it inspires me. The Traveller grins, claiming that they knew I would say this. The give me a gift from my future self, in honour of my past.
Alien: Pathetic interloper species! Equivalent to Korvax and Gek! Show Vy'keen warrior strength!
The warrior is old, and of a high rank. They take their time studying my body and my equipment – and snarls with disapproval. They grab my visor suddenly, and watch me instinctively flinch and recoil.
They let me go and rolls their eyes while I fall back in shock. The lifeform's disdain is palpable. I think of ways to turn this encounter around...
{Do a little dance}
The elderly warrior disapproves of my little dance. They strike me, with great force.
{Threaten with multi-tool}
The elderly warrior is amused by my show of strength. They reward me.
The elderly warrior pushes me away. They have no time for my kind.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Vy'keen war preparation nears completion! Death to the unsuspecting Gek! Give rare isotope!
The warrior is building a nuclear warhead. The plans they hold in their hand are unmistakable. A complicated sequence of blueprints and isotopic chemical reactions is waiting for the final addition of an element to be complete.
There are countless lives on an unknown planet, far out in the cosmos, that could one day end due to this lifeform's work...
{Complete warhead manufacture}
The warrior is overjoyed. We embrace, and I receive gifts.
{Refuse to help}
The warrior snarls. They will not let my pettiness disrupt its mission...
{Inform threatened species}
I receive a reward from a distant species.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Hirk blesses the sleep. Hirk recharges the warrior. Cursed is the warrior that interrupts the sleep of Hirk.
As I approach, the warrior appears alert and welcoming. Suddenly, however, a personal alarm sounds from their datapad. The lifeform instinctively falls into some kind of trance. Their eyes mist over, they stare straight through me and they mumble the same strange mantra over and over again.
The trading vault at their feet appears unlocked, but there are security observation cameras dotted around the facility...
{Wake the warrior}
The warrior is woken from their trance early. They scream in anger.
{Leave the warrior alone}
The warrior suddenly awakes from their brief trance. They thank me for not interrupting.
{Open trading vault}
I carefully remove an item from the trading vault, while security systems look on. Moments later the warrior wakes from their trance.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Fuel! I need fuel to join my brothers in honourable war! Death! Death!
The warrior is tracking the paths of hundreds of warships across a galactic map, all converging on the same planetary system. This does not bode particularly well for the system in question, which appears to be populated by beaked traders of some variety.
A course plotted by the warrior itself has come up short. They cannot make the complete journey. They slam their fist against the terminal and howl until spittle flecks my visor.
{Give fuel}
The warrior yaps with joy. They thank me with a gift.
{Refuse to help}
The warrior snarls. They are rather insulted.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Interloper - watch this... You will gain knowledge... courage... grah...
The warrior removes their helmet, spittle rolling down from its mouth. It invites me to put the helmet on my own head.
{Put helmet on}
As I put the helmet over my head, I see that there is a screen upon the inside. Suddenly I am transported, seeing a vision of the entire universe. I am all that I can see.. but it is not the universe as it is now.
I look down at myself, seeing the body of a Vy'keen, aged, worn... I began to rip myself apart...
The helmet comes off. The warrior nods approvingly, giving me nanites to assist in my travels.
I refuse. The warrior seems to care little, turning aside from me.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Face me, Interloper! Prepare for battle!
The warrior appears to be flexing its muscles as I approach, holding its body in various stances.
It beckons me forth, forming fists with its hands.
As I approach, the warrior lunges forward and places my head within its arms, proceeding to beat me severely.
After a while, apparently disappointed at the poor level of challenge I presented, it gives me compensation for my time and heals my wounds.
The warrior shrugs and turns back to its practice.
{Draw your weapon}
I draw my weapon, causing the warrior to become enraged at my disrespect.
It begins to shout and spit, and delivers me a short, sharp slap.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Tell me, interloper... do you know the secret of this universe?
The warrior glares at me, its skin sagging, its frame evidently in pain. Yet still it tries to stand and face me...
It has been reading an ancient text - a bloodied scroll with Vy'keen script. Upon it I see an image of two warriors standing before a Great Monolith, a dagger held behind one of their backs. There are sixteen such images upon the scroll.
{Say sixteen}
The warrior is disturbed by my answer. They give me what little technology they possess to help me bear this burden.
{Point to the dagger}
I point to the dagger and the warrior nods approvingly, whispering the name 'Nal'. It gives me units to assist my work.
{Point to the Monolith}
I point to the Monolith and the warrior grows stern at my answer. It has little left to say to me.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Do you wish to end up like this pathetic interloper, child? You must train harder...
The warrior is exasperated, screaming down its communicator channel at what appears to be an infant of its own species.
The warrior turns the communicator towards me, barking instructions in an alien tongue.
{Join in screaming}
I join in the screaming, causing the infant to cry. The warrior shakes its head in disappointment at the infant, giving me a token reward for my troubles.
{Distort your expression}
I distort my expression in an attempt to amuse the infant, but it begins to growl at me instead. Delighted, the warrior rewards me handsomely.
{Fire a warning shot}
I fire a warning shot, causing the infant to snap to attention. Impressed, the warrior rewards me with nanites and begins to shout at the infant once more.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! I cannot forgive this treason... they were my Consort, interloper!
The warrior is forlorn. It shows me an image of two members of its species embracing.
It appears to be weeping.
{Embrace the warrior}
I embrace the warrior. After a few moments, it screams at me to leave.
{Smash the image}
I smash the image. The warrior stares at it for a moment before starting to laugh.
It gives me an unknown Vy'keen's possessions by way of thanks.
{Dry its tears}
I move to dry its tears, but the warrior appears to be too ashamed to allow such sympathy. It begs me to leave, bribing me to tell no-one of its shame.
{Ask for help}
Alien: They tried to shut us down. Grah! The Crimson Sentinels will never be silenced. One - two - three - four -
The warrior watches its brethren on a screen, a squadron of fighters holding multi-tools and blunt weapons. They stand on a platform half a universe away. Off-camera, enemies appear to be screaming. Flames erupt near the feet of the warriors...
Their leader holds out its multi-tool, strings of energy extending forth. They begin to pluck the strings, the sounds mingling with the unholy din of blunt weapons smashed against the shells of dead Sentinels...
The watcher does not notice me, and the performance continues on the screen...
{Offer units in appreciation}
The warrior turns. It appears angered by the association between money and music. It begins to spit and shout, demanding that I leave.
{Interrupt the music}
The warrior is angry at the interruption, throwing various objects at me to get me to leave. One of them appears to be useful.
{Try to copy the music}
The warrior turns and hears my attempt to mimic its music. It joins in, shouting and crying, inhaling battle gas periodically. When I leave, it gives me nanites in appreciation of my untamed spirit.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Vote for strongest is vote to end voting! Interloper, choose correctly!
The warrior stands to attention, handing me a communication somehow tailored to my own language.
It informs me that the Vy'keen High Command has placed this system under temporary democratic rule until a state of emergency is lifted.
The warrior shows me multiple candidates for the system primarch.
{Choose the strongest}
The warrior is pleased with my choice, giving me a gift in encouragement.
{Choose the wisest}
The warrior is angered by my choice, but respects my temporary right to make it.
{Choose the pro-Gek candidate}
The warrior is disgusted by my choice. After recording it, they headbutt me and demand that I leave.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Admire my works and despair, interloper...
This warrior is different to others I have encountered... it bears the insignia of its species, yet there is something else, an air of pride and superiority.
It shows me a schematic for an Exocraft as large as a space station. Underneath its wheels are crudely drawn images of Gek and Sentinels.
{Admire the image}
I express my admiration for the image. In return the warrior rewards me with nanites. It gestures as if to warn me from stealing their idea.
{Laugh at the image}
I laugh at the image and in return the warrior shoots me in the foot.
{Add a weapon to it}
I add an image of a weapon to the schematic. Initially the warrior seems sceptical, alarmed at my attempt to interfere.
But when they see what I have created, they stare at me and begin to slowly clap their approval. They give me the finest Nanite Clusters so that I may see our vision realised.
{Ask for help}
PuzzleType: WAR_NPC_
Alien: Pathetic interloper! Give elements! Isotope preferred! Honourable warrior teach language!
The warrior's nostrils flare as I approach. They inhale deeply and bark out what could be a warning. I hurriedly mime that I am peaceful, and know little of their kind or language.
They take a second to think, then grab my multi-tool while barking again into my visor – streaking it with saliva. They point at the indicator that shows which elements I carry. I do my best to keep calm.
{Give silicate}
The warrior grunts. They teach me some of the language of their people.
{Give oxide}
The warrior grunts. They teach me some of the language of their people.
{Give isotope}
The warrior gives me a technology blueprint, and teaches me some of the language of their people.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! The interloper weapon is pathetic! The honourable Vy'keen pity you! I will replace it!
The warrior looks at me with fire in its eyes. This species is clearly aggressive, and I doubt I'm welcome.
Nonetheless, the lifeform bows in greeting. Tradition and honour perhaps dictate it.
I don't feel in danger, and am about to turn and leave when the creature points towards my Multi-Tool. They bark with concern, and makes a motion to suggest that I should hand it over.
{Hand over the multi-tool}
The warrior nods in satisfaction. They offer me an improved replacement Multi-Tool!
{Refuse to relinquish the multi-tool}
The warrior respects my decision.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Contraband interloper. Interested? Non-traceable payment. Products and cargo only. Units unacceptable.
The warrior is silent for a second, before looking at me conspiratorially. They check over their shoulder for prying eyes before powering down security systems.
The warrior pulls open the trade vault at their feet, which seems to be piled high with Multi-Tool upgrades. They indicate the contents of my inventory as a trade...
{Offer units}
The warrior sighs and slams the trade vault shut. Units are, presumably, traceable by the authorities.
{Give isotope}
The shifty lifeform nods. A deal is done. I receive something to help my journey from the pile of contraband.
{Threaten to report}
The threatened warrior buys my silence.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Victory in battle, interloper! My suit malfunctions, but the Vy'keen Ancients smile!
A red, jagged and recent bite mark is wrapped around the entirety of the warrior's neck. Claw marks scar their chest, and their suit's restoration and healing systems are blinking offline.
The lifeform barks contentedly at me, satisfied by their narrow victory. It's clear, however, that the warrior's injuries are severe. They have trouble breathing.
{Recharge warrior's suit}
The warrior's healing systems come back online. They offer me their Multi-Tool in thanks.
{Share oxygen}
The warrior takes some gulps from my respiration systems. Their eyes brighten, and they thank me.
{Walk away}
The warrior does not curse my decision. They are content to suffer in their victory.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Warrior accept mating proposition? Accept dowry tribute?
The downbeat lifeform is studying the image of another young warrior on their pad. The pictured warrior looks virile and impressive. They have facial tendrils that are outstretched. They appear rich, and of good breeding stock. The look in its eyes is... sultry.
The lifeform looks to me with questioning eyes. They clearly need someone to talk this through with.
{Advise acceptance}
Speakers throughout the facility play orchestral music. The lifeform shares some of the dowry they receive.
{Advise refusal}
An elder appears on-screen and curses us. The warrior thanks me for my advice.
{Accept on lifeform's behalf}
I receive generous gifts, and a candid image of the lifeform I will one day wed.
{Ask for help}
Alien: New recruit abandon post! Desert Vy'keen High Command orders! Take multi-tool weapon!
The warrior is young, and looks terrified. Military orders for an upcoming operation fill their terminal screen. When they see me their eyes widen, and they drop to the floor on their knees. They proffer their Multi-Tool up towards me.
Their yelps sound pleading. The fear in their movements are more than apparent. They are so on edge that they doesn't seem aware of the security cameras that surround us, watching our every move.
{Take multi-tool}
The young conscript makes preparations to abandon their post. Silent cameras record their act of disobedience.
{Refuse multi-tool}
The young warrior will die while serving their species in battle. My reluctance to help has been noted.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Interloper! Vy'keen allegiance? Or vile, pathetic, weak-minded Sentinel allegiance?
The warrior's nostrils flare in hope and expectation. A holographic image showing military plans appears around us.
On one side of the battlefield stands the creature's own warrior race, and on the other the robotic Sentinels. The warrior demands that I point to one side or the other.
{Point to the warriors}
The warrior nods and grunts. It shows appreciation by handing me tribute.
{Point to the sentinels}
The warrior is outraged.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Pathetic warrior! Weak-minded warrior! Weapon ammunition depleted!
The warrior seems furious with themself. They slam their Multi-Tool onto a nearby surface and pull the trigger again and again, but nothing happens.
All weapons systems look functional, but the end result is nothing more than a hollow and empty click. The lifeform howls in self-loathing.
{Give uncommon isotope}
The warrior's ammunition is fully replenished. They bark a thank you.
{Give common isotope}
The warrior's ammunition is partially replenished. They bark a thank you.
{Comfort warrior}
The outraged warrior headbutts me.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Interloper! Give Vy'keen interrogator enemy information! Sacrifice enemy friendship, receive Vy'keen reward!
The lifeform clicks their heels together in an authoritarian fashion, before plunging a syringe dripping with corrosive green liquid into my arm. Holographic images of two alien races appear in my visor – a small reptilian figure, and a taller lifeform in a metal casing.
The warrior snarls at me, and their fingers hover over the injector – which can surely cause damage to life, limb or equipment. They demand an answer...
{Surrender information}
I do my best to convey all I know. I am rewarded.
{Claim ignorance}
I refuse to divulge any information. I am punished.
{Pull rank}
The warrior apologises profusely for its transgression. They shower me with gifts, and begs forgiveness.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Pathetic interloper! Leave! Warrior busy with facility security breach reports! Death! Death!
The warrior looks up from a screen of flashing alerts. They bare their teeth at me, quivering with barely contained fury.
It's clear that my presence is barely tolerated here. The warrior's hand reaches to their weapon.
{Leave the warrior alone}
The warrior grunts in thanks. Units appear in my account.
{Offer to help}
The warrior is outraged. They slap me hard across the face.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Pathetic interloper! Show strength and attack the noble Vy'keen warrior!
The warrior's facial markings draw into a smirk as it looks me up and down. I feel like I'm being sized up as a potential combatant.
The creature points to an intriguing blueprint on its screen, then points to their own face. I'm being goaded into punching then.
The lifeform barks menacingly. It's clear that this action will result in swift retribution.
{Strike the warrior}
The warrior strikes back with astonishing force. They bark out laughter before handing me the blueprint.
{Refuse to attack}
The warrior makes a gesture that suggests I am a coward.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Fight my duel challenge! The chosen weapon is in the trade vault! Death! Death!
The panicked lifeform is studying a diagram of two warriors in combat, while a chosen form of multi-tool weaponry sits below in a storage vault.
An angry recorded message is playing. It's a sequence of furious barks and screams that clearly have a moral high ground. The lifeform sees the battle-scars on my exosuit, and instantly yelps a question.
Dramatic music plays. The warrior barks with joy. I am given the multi-tool for the fight ahead.
The warrior is disappointed. They must face their own fate.
{Report cowardice}
The warrior is forced to face their own fate. I am thanked for my report
{Ask for help}
Alien: Grah! Pathetic distant warrior leave powerful multi-tool in storage vault! Avoid rare isotope usage in explosion - too powerful! Uncommon isotope required!
The storage vault at the warrior's feet shows clear signs of tampering. In fact, an explosive device has been attached to its hinges. The lifeform sees my shocked expression, and yaps in amusement.
The bomb needs fuel for ignition, which would most likely blow the vault wide open. The warrior impatiently tries to explain what should happen next...
{Use uncommon isotope}
The lock on the vault is blown clear off. I retrieve a new multi-tool that lies within.
{Use rare isotope}
The explosion is huge, and consumes the entire vault in flame. Shrapnel embeds itself in my knees and ankles. The pain is extreme.
{Report suspect behaviour}
An instant response and reward comes through from the warrior species' High Command.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Interloper! Vy'keen High Command demands answers. The aggression interloper, or the defence interloper?
The warrior seems pleased to see me. They bark twice, then retrieve two carved objects from behind their terminal. The artifacts are old, and it feels strange to see such ancient creations inside a technological hive like this...
The first is a chipped and bloody blade. The second is a battered shield.
{Choose the blade}
The warrior barks and offers me a new multi-tool.
{Choose the shield}
The warrior barks and offers me an exosuit technology blueprint.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Interloper! Your pathetic multi-tool insults my ancestors! My wares create friendship, and blood! Death! Death!
The warrior grabs at my multi-tool, stares at it dismissively and then starts yapping straight into my face. The yaps turn into slow hollow barks. They are unimpressed, and dramatically so at that.
Suddenly a holographic catalogue of armaments and attachments appears. The warrior opens their arms wide, and embraces me. Alien sales traditions are a curious thing...
{Pay units for exosuit technology blueprint}
The warrior gives me an exosuit technology blueprint.
{Pay units for multi-tool technology blueprint}
The warrior gives me a new multi-tool technology blueprint.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Interloper! A great Sentinel hunt begins today. I demand ammunition.
The warrior is browsing a map of the surrounding landscape. Certain areas contain markings that represent Sentinels, which the lifeform is highlighting with an excited snarl.
They stroke their boltcaster absentmindedly, before checking the ammo charge stored in its clip. On this, their eyes jolt up towards me. They bark a question, but it sounds more like a command.
{Give isotope}
The warrior nods. They are satisfied by my donation to their hunt.
They present me with a gift in exchange.
The warrior curses my name and that of my ancestors. They are highly displeased.
{Give oxide}
The warrior curses my name and that of my ancestors. They are highly displeased.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Interloper! Prove your worth! Vy'keen reward the brave and foolhardy!
The warrior barks abruptly and flourishes a knife. They stare directly into my eyes as they draw the blade over the palm of its hand. Black bubbles of blood emerge through the slit in their glove.
They hand me the knife, clearly wanting me to reciprocate. They bark a little challenge and pat the trade vault by their side. This will probably hurt...
{Cut open hand}
The warrior grabs my bleeding hand and spits on it. They reward me for my part in this rite.
{Refuse politely}
The warrior laughs at me, as if I have fulfilled their expectation.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Hirk bless the fuel! Hirk bless the weapon charge!
The warrior nods at me before taking a small metal idol from the vault at their feet. As they clutch at it, their eyes glaze over in a strange white sheen. I hear them mutter strange incantations that get louder, then louder again.
Without waiting to ask permission, they thrusts their hands into my inventory, searching for the elements within. They burn with a strange intensity. The experience is terrifying.
{Give silicate}
The warrior priest's hands somehow improve my offering.
{Give isotope}
The warrior priest's hands somehow improve my offering.
{Fend warrior off}
The warrior priest has been offended. They curse my ancestors.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Eheu! Clarify next entity research topic! Entity cannot choose! Excitement high! Share research tools!
The electronic lifeform indicates that they need help with something on their screen. They jerk and vibrates with nerves, pulling my finger towards the screen. When my hand is in place, they suddenly turn off their mask lights - they refuse to witness my vital decision.
There are three clear images that I can choose from on behalf of the entity: dangerous-looking predators, a geological mining survey and an orbiting asteroid cluster.
{The predators}
The lifeform receives a new multi-tool. They present it to me with thanks.
{The mining survey}
The lifeform receives a new multi-tool technology blueprint. They present it to me with thanks.
{The asteroid cluster}
The lifeform receives a ship technology blueprint. They present it to me with thanks.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Traveller! Choose peace or violence. Korvax Echoes are watching.
The electronic lifeform is waiting for me, with a full range of companion unit blueprints clearly visible on the screen behind them. I feel as though they need me to make a decision.
First, their facial lights cover their metal shell in a warm and protective green. Second, they redirect onto my multitool in a deep and violent red...
{The peaceful 'green' option}
The lifeform gives me an exosuit technology blueprint.
{The violent 'red' option}
The lifeform offers me a multi-tool technology blueprint.
{Ask for help}
Alien: The research of the Korvax Convergence states... you are a Traveller? Do you know the Atlas? Please! Please! Excitement!
The electronic lifeform is excited. They chitter animatedly and thrusts their holographic datapad towards my visor. They are looking for a confirmation.
A symbol appears: a mysterious diamond shape. Its red central orb is like an eternally unblinking eye.
{Show knowledge of the symbol}
A visible electrical charge pulses through the lifeform. They present a gift to aid my journey.
{Show ignorance of the symbol}
The lifeform is disappointed. They return to their work.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Help! Korvax disconnection loop! Oxide element required to stabilise and recharge!
The mask lights in the electronic lifeform brighten, then fade and extinguish. Then they do so again, and again. Each time the entity reboots, they awake with shock and alarm and the size and placement of the light is different.
Every time they look up at me, it feels like a different creature pleading for help.
After each and every reboot, the entities behind the mask desperately point towards the elements I carry in my exosuit inventory.
{Give oxide element}
The lifeform's disconnection loop is stabilised, and they recharge. They chitter brightly, and reward me.
{Give silicate element}
The lifeform manages to stabilise, but has limited functionality. They buzz a mild thank you.
{Give isotope element}
The lifeform manages to stabilise, but has limited functionality. They buzz a mild thank you.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Hmm! A biological lifeform! Korvax Echoes teach healing! Help! To repair! To recharge!
The electronic lifeform grabs my arm. I struggle in their vice-like grip as they jab deeper and deeper into my flesh. Suddenly, deep inside my wrist, a needle flicks into my flesh and takes a sample. The lifeform chitters happily as I struggle to free myself.
The investigation complete, a 3D cross-section of my body and tools appear before us. The areas in which I have been injured, or my equipment damaged, are clearly marked with various costs assigned.
{Indicate the body}
The lifeform heals me and recharges systems.
{Indicate the exosuit}
The lifeform passes a beam of light through my exosuit. It is recharged and repaired.
{Indicate the multi-tool}
The lifeform chitters contentedly as it repairs my multi-tool. They thank me for my custom.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Traveller! A geological enthusiast! I will process your resources!
The electronic lifeform is studying a holographic cut-away image of geological data, probing its minerals and resources. They locate common elements and mark them for conversion into high value products.
They notice my Mining Beam and chitter with excitement. I can't help but observe that the trade vaults around us are practically overflowing...
{Give Isotope sample}
The isotope is studied, processed, replicated... and returned in its new form.
{Give Silicate sample}
The silicate is studied, processed, replicated... and returned in its new form.
{Give Oxide sample}
The oxide is studied, processed, replicated... and returned in its new form.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Traveller! The Korvax Convergence awaits! Concentrate on your travels! Your destiny!
The entity tilts their head to one side and passes a hollow metallic mask to me. My best guess is that it's some sort of data extraction device for electronic lifeforms, or perhaps even data insertion. My head can just about fit inside.
The lifeform looks on with interest, pointing to their head. They concentrate their lights on me. Arcs of electricity crackle over the surface of the mask. If I risk this, it could hurt...
{Use while thinking about my journey}
The pain is unbearable. I see into the heart of... the Korvax Convergence. It rewards my experiences.
{Use with a clear mind}
The Korvax Convergence stares into the depths of my mind, but finds nothing. The pain is indescribable.
{Leave well alone}
I cautiously back away from the entity and their dangerous device.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Good morning unknown lifeform. Please provide silicate to help neural escape. The Korvax Convergence think me dangerous. I face permanent disconnection.
The lifeform that runs this facility has gone rogue. They chatter and buzz with unnatural fervour, their activity draining silicates from all systems. Memory chips in an exposed board beneath it glow red hot, and trade vaults are locked up tight.
As I approach the entity's lights focus sharply upon me. They reach out with a silicon hand, and speak with calm menace.
{Remove memory chips}
I remove the memory chips one by one, while the Entity sings a strange solemn song.
I am thanked by the facility's overseers. The lifeform's shell reboots with a fresh entity.
{Feed system with silicates}
The rogue entity screams with binary joy, and uploads themself elsewhere. The trade vault falls open. The lifeform's shell is rebooted with a disapproving entity.
{Demand that trade vault doors are opened}
The rogue AI is sorry. They can't do that. They disengage.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Electronic lifeform technology repair and restoration entity operational! Remain calm!
The electronic lifeform buzzes a pleasant greeting, before four long metal needles suddenly spring from their fingers and straight through my shoulders.
The entity lifts me clear from the floor, and angles me forwards until I'm staring directly into their enquiring mask lights.
The experience so far is curiously painless, but systems around the lifeform are powering up. The end of this unsettling procedure is in sight...
{Break free}
A controlled burst from my jetpack pulls my body free. The lifeform is confused by the pain I show...
A powerful electrical charge surges through my body. My exosuit and equipment are repaired and restored.
{Demand to be let down}
The lifeform retracts their needles. I suddenly feel great pain. They present me with a gift by way of apology.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Eheu! Entity existence examination approaches! Failure certain! Convergence dislike disruption!
The young electronic lifeform flicks hurriedly through endless reams of technology data. They gorge themselves on information, which they then attempt to reform as a hologram in the air that stands between us.
But even from my biological perspective, it's clear that there's a lot of information missing in the lifeform's replication.
In the background, on a terminal, a timer ticks down. A new trial or duty for the lifeform is about to begin. The lifeform starts to despair as valuable seconds tick away...
{Share blueprint information}
The lifeform thanks me with units, but fails its test.
They are disconnected and instantaneously replaced. My involvement displeases the examiners.
{Give bypass chip}
The lifeform uses the chip to skip their test, and thanks me with a gift. My involvement, however, displeases the examiners.
{Indicate an unwillingness to help}
The lifeform fails their test and is disconnected. Their shell becomes inhabited by a fresh entity. The examiners are grateful that I did not interrupt the procedure.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Ayee! Process fault! Wait! Korvax Entity pay for reconstruction! Apologies!
The electronic lifeform makes a grab for my multi-tool. Their metal hands feverishly dance up and down it, as they feed on data extracted from my systems.
Information from the procedure joins an apparent technology library on the screen behind it.
Something changes. The entity becomes attached to the multi-tool somehow, and sparks start to fly. The scream of melting internal systems can be heard from my equipment.
{Remove lifeform from multi-tool}
I force the lifeform from my multi-tool, which remains undamaged. The bashful, and injured, entity apologises for the transgression.
My multi-tool is damaged, and will need repair. The lifeform apologises with a gift.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Ayee! Synthetic white hole experiment disaster! Remove electron... Ayee! Synthetic white hole experiment disaster! Remove electron... Ayee! Synthetic white hole experiment disaster! Remove electron... Ayee! Synthetic white hole experiment disaster! Remove electron...
The electronic lifeform is trapped in some kind of temporal loop. They go through the same motions again and again.
They shudder, look at me and abruptly scream a half sentence in panic – and then the process begins again. They are somehow unstuck in time.
At their feet resource vaults are burning through products – feeding an experimental procedure of some kind. So, what is it?
{Deactivate Charge Reservoir}
The lights in the lifeform go out. They are forever unstuck in time.
A new entity appears in the casing.
{Deactivate Electron Vapour}
The electronic lifeform is rescued from the time loop. They thank me profusely.
{Deactivate Propulsion Tank}
The lights in the lifeform go out. They are forever unstuck in time.
A new entity appears in the casing.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Unknown entity, join communion. Eheu! Help Korvax finish puzzle!
The electronic lifeform taps on its datapad, manipulating a projection of a small lifeform riding a two-wheeled exocraft. The projection navigates many dangers and obstacles, occasionally falling from its path.
The lifeform offers me a datapad as I approach.
{Take datapad}
I take the datapad and a second lifeform appears on the projection, wearing a red helmet. Together we complete the puzzle.
Delighted, the entity awards me with a gift for my cooperation.
{Refuse to participate}
I refuse to participate in this activity, instead watching as the electronic lifeform repeatedly falls from the path. Eventually, the Korvax throws their datapad at me in what appears to be anger.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Korvax Convergence warn Traveller - warn all - do not - touch the water - containment has been breached. It is happening again -
The electronic lifeform examines me as I stand before it. They see everything, not just my expression but my exosuit, my breathing, everything they can observe.
The Korvax speaks with multiple voices, lights rapidly fading in and out of focus upon its mask. More than one lifeform inhabits this body.
Each shows me a projection of water, oceans, streams... each seems panicked.
{Say you do not understand}
The Korvax unit does not respond, its lights growing completely dark before another soul fills its carapace.
It offers Nanite Clusters on behalf of its previous occupant, but appears to possess little memory of what it said before.
{Show them water}
The Korvax unit does not respond, its lights growing completely dark before another soul fills its carapace.
It offers Nanite Clusters on behalf of its previous occupant, but appears to possess little memory of what it said before.
{Seek coordinates}
The Korvax unit does not respond, its lights growing completely dark before another soul fills its carapace.
It offers Nanite Clusters on behalf of its previous occupant, but appears to possess little memory of what it said before.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Existence... disconnection... rebirth... around the world...
The electronic lifeform appears to be listening to a strange rhythm on their datapad. Every time it touches the pad, light pulses emerge from the screen, punctuated by occasional chatter.
The lifeform looks up at me, its music continuing to play.
{Offer units in appreciation}
The lifeform accepts my units with gratitude, playing all the more loudly. I have encouraged it in its musical endeavours, and so it gives me a gift in return.
{Interrupt the music}
The lifeform is angry at the interruption and throws its datapad to the floor. It is unable to produce art in these conditions.
{Try to copy the music}
The lifeform appears to be flattered by emulation, giving me a gift so that I might be encouraged in my own work.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Help... me... do not touch... containment breached...
The electronic lifeform contemplates the universe around itself, inattentive to my arrival.
Yet as I step closer, I see that something is wrong. Nanite clusters pool within every crevice of its suit...
{Try to take Nanite Clusters}
I try to take the Nanite Clusters, but immediately the Korvax grabs my arm, depowering my exosuit in the process.
{Use multi-tool to burn them off}
I use my multi-tool to burn away the clusters. When it is purged, the lifeform stands, shaking. They give me a gift in thanks.
I leave the Korvax be.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Our entity has been disconnected. It failed its life test... where did we go wrong?
The electronic lifeform stares at a hologram of another, the lights on both their masks waxing and waning. They appear concerned.
{Offer sympathy}
They stare at me, unable to understand. I leave them in their sadness.
{Offer Nanite Clusters}
I offer Nanite Clusters. Greedily, the lifeforms take them to forget their pain.
{Offer Convergence Cube}
The lifeforms seem to take some consolation in my gift, rewarding me with nanites.
{Ask for help}
PuzzleType: EXP_NPC_
Alien: Fascinating! Unknown lifeform share silicates, and entity share language knowledge! Rare silicate, better research!
As I approach the electronic lifeform they instinctively starts to analyse me from head to foot. They chitter animatedly, their head tilted to one side.
The more they study, the more the facility's resource vault consumes what my scanner suggests are silicate elements.
I mime that I know little of their kind or how they communicate, and the lights in their mask flash...
{Give common silicate}
The electronic lifeform's lights flicker with mild disappointment. Nevertheless, they rest their hand on my visor and thank me with a transfer of language.
{Give uncommon silicate}
The electronic lifeform's lights flicker with mild disappointment. Nevertheless, they rest their hand on my visor and thank me with a transfer of language.
{Give rare silicate}
The electronic lifeform's lights blaze with sudden intensity. My offering was clearly what they were hoping for. They rest their silicon hand on my visor, and thank me with a transfer of language.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Korvax... Entity... power loss... help... uncommon... isotope... element...
The electronic lifeform's bright greeting suddenly slows. They taps into their personal data while their facial lights dilate and internal systems crash. Columns of streaming data show their power levels spiraling downwards.
The lifeform looks to me for help, and then points to my gathered resources with a single, slow and desperate movement.
{Give common isotope}
The entity slowly inserts the element into a slot in their hip. They partially reawaken, and thank me with a gift.
{Give uncommon isotope}
The entity slowly inserts the element into a slot in their hip. It fully reawakens.
{Walk away}
The entity's mask lights go out. A fresh electronic lifeform is downloaded into the now-empty metal shell. They ignore me.
{Ask for help}
Alien: New Korvax entity... scared... alone... leave... please... leave... please...
I startle the electronic lifeform from their work. They greet me politely, but when they see my boltcaster they begin to vibrate with fear. The entity's voice quavers, and their mask slowly turns to a single dilated red light.
They clearly want to get back to their research work, but they are too terrified to look away from me. The more I try to calm them, the more the poor thing convulses with fear.
{Insist that I come in peace}
The lifeform's face suddenly wipes. The shell reboots, with a new entity in place of the other. The replacement entity ignores me.
{Leave the lifeform alone}
The lifeform's unseen overseers thank me for my diplomacy. I receive something that will help my journey.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Unknown lifeform! Korvax shell power overload! Help entity to discharge! Eheu! Pain!
The electronic lifeform is agitated, and perhaps in pain. Their body buzzes, and small arcs of electricity jump between their mask and shoulders. They jolt and shake. They need help.
They reach out a hand as if they wants to shake mine. I instinctively raise my arm in response, but common sense advises caution...
{Shake hands}
The lifeform discharges an overload. The pain is intense. They thank me with a gift.
{Pull back}
The electrified lifeform continues to shake and crackle. They cannot understand my refusal to help.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Unknown lifeform: a question! Clarify unknown lifeform intelligence level?
The lifeform shows me complicated creature research data to see if I can comprehend it. I must look blank, because the lifeform instead projects three holographic images into my visor.
They are clearly seeking my opinion on the intellect of my own species. I am shown a vacant-looking slug, a more advanced beaked trader and a member of their own electronic race.
{Point to the slug}
The electronic lifeform pities me. I am handed gifts and given a sympathetic nod.
{Point to the beaked trader}
The lifeform was clearly expecting this answer. They have readied a technology blueprint for me.
{Point to the electronic lifeform}
The electronic lifeform refuses to believe me.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Unknown lifeform. Fascinating. The Korvax Convergence studies all lifeform data. Lifeform recorded. Goodbye.
I've interrupted an electronic lifeform in the middle of their work. Enquiring mask lights flash up towards me, and scan me from head to foot. Simultaneously, on their datapad, their silicon fingers flick through images of this planet's plants and creatures - before adding my own image!
Then, their facial lighting starts to dim. Their interest in me is perhaps fading. I need a way to impress...
{Share creature scan data}
The lifeform chitters happily and rewards me.
{Give units}
I have confused the lifeform. They reciprocate with their own units.
{Give silicate element}
The lifeform's facial lights briefly flash. They give me a technology blueprint.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Traveller! The Korvax Convergence wants brain tissue for experiment! The Convergence reward help!
A sharp metal needle emerges from the palm of the lifeform's hand. It moves so fast that it's already inches from my forehead before I can even blink.
A strange toxic-looking goop dribbles down from its point and onto my visor. It hangs in the air above me, while the entity waits to for the order to plunge it deep into my brain.
{Take needle}
The needle is made of silicate products. The entity is disappointed.
{Allow brain excavation}
I receive a reward, with thanks... and indescribable levels of pain.
{Refuse brain excavation}
The lifeform retracts the needle, and is clearly disappointed.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Atlas Interface signal wakes? Researcher! Feed system oxides constantly! Avoid expenditure!
The electronic lifeform is processing a signal that emanates from a distant location deep in space. Endless processing units are combining to crack the code of a strange mathematical language.
Rare elements are being pulled from the resource vaults at their feet, but some are running low. I feel bright lights constricting, directing their attention upon me.
{Place rare silicates in vault}
The silicates are added to the process. They make no clear impact.
{Place rare oxides in vault}
The oxides fuel the code cracking procedure. A faint orb glows red on the screen, then slowly fades.
{Take elements from vault}
I retrieve rare elements... but the lifeform's code-breaking process grinds to a halt.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Eheu! Vital data loss! Research facility permissions are unavailable! Help immediately!
The electronic lifeform narrows their mask lights in frustration and furiously taps at their workstation. They look at me with agitation, presumably doubting that a low intelligence being can help access the terminal.
A Bypass Chip would certainly help here, but whether the lifeform would appreciate the illegal device is unknown.
{Give Bypass Chip}
The system unlocks. The electronic lifeform gives me something to aid my journey.
{Try terminal myself}
The lifeform pushes me away from the terminal. They clearly resent my interference.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Korvax Convergence help fabled Traveller! Absorb knowledge!
The lights in the electronic lifeform's mask constrict, and they beam a moving image onto the inside of my visor.
Complex equations detailing fascinating technologies spin past in a blur. The speed of the entity's cognition and understanding is clearly far beyond my own.
Images of chemical formulae, directional energy diagrams and micro-density devices dance inches from my eyes - too fast to comprehend.
I am about to ask them to stop, but realise I could instead ask them to pause... but when?
{The chemical formulae}
The image cycle pauses on a new product formula. I thank the entity.
{The directed energy diagrams}
The image cycle pauses on a multi-tool technology blueprint. I thank the entity.
{The micro-density devices}
The image cycle pauses on an exosuit technology blueprint! I thank the entity.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Ayee! Product creation experiment disaster! Low elements! Rare silicate, isotope or oxide required! Appropriate recipe reward!
The electronic lifeform flits between three separate replication experiments - all of which appear to be going wrong. Smoke rises from resource vaults, and the manic entity's fingers are a blur on their control pad. They look at me with wide mask lights and increasing alarm.
Their casing lamps suddenly settle on my exosuit inventory - and they reach out with a metal arm...
{Give rare silicate}
The lifeform manages to salvage one of its experiments with my offering. They thank me with an appropriate gift.
{Give rare isotope}
The lifeform manages to salvage one of its experiments with my offering. They thank me with an appropriate gift.
{Give rare oxide}
The lifeform manages to salvage one of its experiments with my offering. They thank me with an appropriate gift.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Disconnection approaches... Joyful entity embrace disconnection... Korvax Echoes await!
The lights in the electronic lifeform's mask are dim, their voice weak. They look at me with mild interest, but it seems as if their mind is already elsewhere.
Upon seeing me approach, they slowly reach to open the trade vault at their feet, but it is too late. The entity's lights fade for a final time, and all that's left is a satisfied electrical hiss...
{Re-energise lifeform}
The disappointed lifeform blinks back online...
They reluctantly open the trade vault for me.
New, energized lights flare in the lifeform's mask casing.
A fresh entity emerges, and greets me with gifts.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Korvax Echoes teach help and advance low intelligence lifeform. Choose: healing or power?
The electronic lifeform is pleased to see me. Their mask lights burn an intense green as they project two holograms into my visor.
In one, the fragments of a complex equation are made whole and solved. In another, a number is boosted, added and multiplied. They await my decision.
{The solved equation}
The lifeform chitters happily. My body is bathed in strange healing rays.
{The multiplied number}
The lifeform chitters happily. They hand me a gift.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Gek Trade Federation fury! Planetary installation tax unpaid! Initiate immediate repayment! Now!
The trader's screen blinks angrily with a demand for urgent action. The Gek worriedly shows me a list of items, each with a monetary figure attached. A timer is ticking down.
They hold their breath, and look up to me with bulging eyes. They peck hurriedly at the sleeve of my exosuit. There are only seconds remaining...
{Pay full amount}
A remotely-operated scent dispersal system bathes us both in a pleasant perfume. The trader thanks me.
{Demand reward, then pay}
The trader scrabbles for something to give me while I make the late payment. An angry beak appears on a terminal and shouts at us both.
{Waive money demand}
The trader cannot believe my actions. They thank me profusely.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Despair! Vy'keen hostility! Treaty breach! Arm yourself! Trade vault: multi-tool. Storage vault: technology! Resource vault: ammunition!
Images of warrior battle freighters fill the shocked trader's screen. They dwarf small trader ships as they pass by, like predatory fish innocuously swimming amongst their prey.
The panicked lifeform points at the trade, storage and resource vaults around our feet and shouts in fear.
{Open Trade vault}
I arm myself with a new multi-tool. The trader looks at me with hope in their eyes.
{Open Storage vault}
I receive a new multi-tool technology blueprint. The trader looks at me with hope in their eyes.
{Open Resource vault}
I receive ammunition. The trader looks at me with hope in their eyes.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Bootleg pirate equipment discovered in cave! Ready for confiscation and incineration!
The trader is studying a stash of interesting-looking technology and weaponry that's been dragged through this facility and left inside a disposal vault. They look at me conspiratorially, and indicates the dangerous-looking symbol that's daubed on the vault hatch.
The equipment appears rusted and broken on-screen, but if we were to eject it out onto the floor of the outpost we'd find it easier to investigate. The trader looks at me, shrugs and holds its breath.
{Incinerate equipment}
We destroy the equipment, and are both thanked for our actions.
{Remove and examine equipment}
The equipment spills out onto the floor beneath the installation's security scanners. We salvage a technology blueprint.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Friend! Tiring day! A favour? Start product replication please?
The trader seems to have recently woken – their eyes are crusty, and their beak is flecked with dried drool. They are very clearly not hard at work...
The lifeform lazily indicates a nearby terminal, upon which a product formula is displayed and is waiting for full input. I am ushered towards it, before the trader closes their eyes to try to get some more sleep.
{Input product formula}
I start up production processes, while the drowsy trader looks on...
{Take product formula}
I take the product formula! The drowsy trader, however, sees me and rolls their eyes...
{Report lazy worker}
The Trader will be fired for its lethargy... Relevant authorities thank me.
{Ask for help}
Alien: FutureGek warning! Vy'keen devastation nears! Prepare! Silicate product materialises multi-tool! Isotope product materialises blueprint! Oxide product materialises ship blueprint!
The trader goes to greet me, but in a flash they are covered from head to foot with arcs of electricity.
The blue sparks fade, and they grab the lapels of my exosuit as if possessed. They scream at me in wild-eyed desperation.
I feel like there's a 99.9% probability that the frantic motions they are making towards the products I carry is an indication of what they wants...
{Give rare oxide}
A ship technology blueprint is sent from a distant place! The trader returns to normal, and stares blankly.
{Give rare isotope}
A technology blueprint is sent from a distant place! The trader returns to normal, and stares blankly.
{Give rare silicate}
A new multi-tool materialises in my hands! The trader returns to normal, and stares blankly.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Korvax SynthetiGek unmasking peril! Isotope required! Help! Korvax blueprint reward!
The trader's fingers slow on their pad, and a noise of crunching gears seems to rumble from deep inside the lifeform. Their lower beak drops open, and a green bulb on the end of a rare silicate antenna emerges.
The green light focuses on my visor, where a holographic image of a charging device appears. The bulb flashes while it speaks in the language of the traders. It seems to assume I am a friend.
{Detach silicate antenna}
I snap off the silicate antenna. The SynthetiGek closes its beak and stares at me accusingly.
{Give isotope}
The SynthetiGek uses my offering to recharge. Their secret identity is secured! I receive a gift from a distant species...
{Report strange behaviour}
I expose the SynthetiGek to the relevant authorities. I am sent a reward.
{Ask for help}
Alien: The markets crashed... the Trade Lord mourned their profits... so much wealth, lost forever...
The trader appears to be listening to a sample of music. Voices mingle in their grand opera, a thousand lifeforms crying out in an alien tragedy...
The trader shows no sign that it has noticed me. It merely stares at the speaker, its eyes a little moist... Whatever song is playing, it haunts this creature.
{Offer units in appreciation}
The trader turns, startled. It accepts my units with gratitude, giving me a gift in return.
{Interrupt the music}
The trader turns angrily, annoyed by my interruption. It issues a gas so strong that it pierces even the lining of my exosuit. I go before the stench can assault me further.
{Try to copy the music}
The trader turns, surprised at my theft of its cultural work. It seems impressed, giving me a gift in encouragement of my deed.
{Ask for help}
Alien: I am ruined, friend... my entire life savings lost on a foolish bet...
The trader sits clicking at a screen full of digits and glyphs, a balance of units present in the corner.
Every once in a while, the glyphs exchange locations, vibrating, causing the trader to shriek in delight or collapse in despair.
Eventually, the trader appears to give up, the unit balance having reached zero.
{Offer units to the trader}
The trader takes my units greedily, but appears to lose them within mere moments of restarting their game.
They give me nanites by way of apology.
{Try to use the screen}
I try to use the screen, but the trader slaps my hands away, grabbing at their multi-tool to try and stun me. I back off.
{Just watch}
I remain watching the trader's game before it appears to give up. It hands me an object, apparently no longer of any of use.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Ah! Today I become the progenitor of five hundred spawn! Life comes at us fast, friend!
The trader is extremely happy, rubbing its hands together and exuding a pleasurable scent. It shows me a live feed from a strange medical complex.
I watch machines pumping gallons of a mysterious enzyme into a vast vat of floating embryonic lifeforms.
{Offer units}
The trader is pleased, giving me a small gift in return.
{Offer happiness}
The response from the trader is muted. It turns away from me, the pleasant scent departing.
{Offer Gek Charm}
The trader is overjoyed, giving me an expensive gift in exchange for my own.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Trade Federation weakening... one by one the Trade Lords fall... which will be crushed next? We do not know...
The trader stares at me. After a moment's hesitation, it produces a datapad.
The screen shows images of a council of its species. Ten Lords in elaborate dress orbit various world clusters. Several images are highlighted in red and amber.
{Point at one of the lifeforms}
I choose one of the Lords at random, and the lifeform's eyes follow my finger. It begins to issue a disturbing scent from its glands, clearly shaken by my suggestion.
It gives me units, wishing for me to leave.
{Hand the datapad back}
I try to return the datapad, but the trader sighs, gesturing for me to keep it. Within, I find nanites.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Every time I run it, it shows the same thing... what is going to happen to us, friend?
The trader is engaged in some kind of religious observance, closing its eyes rhythmically as it repeats a mantra.
Upon my arrival, it stops. It shows me a simulated image of our own universe, the lifeforms in it growing and dying, sped up through the millennia. The edges appear to close in over time, contracting until there is nothing left.
The trader appears frightened.
I comfort the trader, placing my hand upon its shoulder. It thanks me, giving me a gift as it calms down.
{Switch off simulation}
The trader is terrified at my action, immediately switching the simulation back on. They wish for me to leave.
{Give GekNip}
I offer the lifeform GekNip, helping it to de-stress. It gives me units in exchange for my help.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Why do the Korvax still walk free? What have you done with our legacy?
Something about the trader's posture makes them feel larger than many I have encountered amongst its species; their eyes seem to glow with undaunted power.
As my eyes move, it is as if I see two beings standing in the one place: one small, one strong.
It glares at me, showing me a handful of metal shards.
{Scan the shards}
I scan the shards, revealing them to be a currency used by the Gek over a thousand years ago. The creature eyes me warily. It gives me a gift of nanites.
{Take the shards}
I take the shards, pleasing the lifeform. But nothing else happens... all I am left with is useless metal.
{Threaten them}
I threaten the lifeform with my multi-tool. It merely smiles, giving me a weapon upgrade so that one day I might pose a fair challenge.
{Ask for help}
Alien: Trade Federation know I stole from them - take evidence, friend! Quick!
The trader is anxious, looking past me as I approach.
Seemingly satisfied that I am alone, it looks up and thrusts a sealed box towards me.
{Take the box}
I take the box, finding a valuable nanite cluster within.
When I return, the trader does not even acknowledge our previous interaction.
{Leave the box}
The trader conceals the box at once, wary of detection.
{Report suspicious activity}
I upload a report to the system authorities, receiving a reward for my troubles. They will determine this Gek's fate.
{Ask for help}
Alien: I do not know what I would do without this stuff... it is a fine cup, friend.
The trader stares at a cup. It appears to contain a dark black liquid, hot to the touch...
{Drink the liquid}
I start to drink the liquid, but before it can reach my lips the trader lunges at me. They tear the cup from my grasp and spill some of the liquid on my suit.
They are upset, but apologetic about the spillage. They give me units as compensation.
{Empty the cup}
I take and empty the cup, causing the trader to cry.
{Offer units for the cup}
I offer units for the cup, but the trader gives me some of the liquid for free. It invigorates me, waking me up.
{Ask for help}