#1 {Gone Some Time}
The client seeks aid in the search for a missing associate. They were last seen piloting a ship of questionable spaceworthiness. They launched from the local station in a foolhardy attempt to get home without first conducting the proper maintenance. Distress beacon signals indicate the ship made an accidental atmospheric approach within the last 24 hours.
#2 {No State for Exploration}
The client has lost their business partner. They had been celebrating the success of a recent deal when the now-missing party resolved to return home via a nearby planet. They were in a state of poor judgement, as the planet in question contains little in the way of amenities and plenty in the way of hazards. The client hopes to at least recover the body of the missing person, as their fingerprints are required to access the company accounts.
#3 {Storming Out}
The client seeks help in the search for a missing friend. The client's friend had been attempting to form a bond with another lifeform, but their offers had been rejected. The client fears this may have had an adverse effect on their friend's judgement, and requests urgency in the search.
#4 {The Runaway}
The client has lost one of their spawn. The youngest of their litter became jealous of the attention given to the first-born, and reacted by stealing the access codes to the client's starship. The client has the tracking data from the ship, and requests assistance in bringing their spawn back home.
#5 {Once More into the Unknown}
The client is engaged in the search for a missing employee. The individual concerned has a track record when it comes to unexplained absences, and the client is tiring of performing the search themselves. They feel it would be more efficient if a heavily-armed explorer located the missing person on this occasion.
#6 {Snatched!}
The client believes they have been targeted by a criminal gang. A member of their family has gone missing, and the client is convinced this is part of a kidnap plot. The client refuses to be extorted by thugs, though they recognise no-one has yet demanded any such payment. Nonetheless, they are seeking to remedy the situation by sending explorers in search of the missing party.
#7 {Reach for the Stars}
The client seeks help in the rescue of a missing person. The individual in question was last seen entering their ship on a sight-seeing tour of the local system. Their heart had been set on seeing the star up close. However, the client fears the starship was not equipped with sufficient heatsinks for the mission. Tracking data suggests the starship failed to reach the star, and made an emergency landing on a nearby planet.
#8 {Navigation Errors}
The client seeks help in the recovery of a missing person. The individual in question relied on the client to equip them for an expedition across local space. However, the client has become aware that the orbital data they supplied contained numerous calculation errors. They fear the individual may have made a problematic atmospheric approach, and is now in need of rescue.
#9 {Hostage Retrieval}
The client has been targeted by kidnappers. An associate of theirs was stolen from their home and transported to a strange planet. They managed to escape from their captors and sent a message to the client, claiming they have found shelter but have no ship and little in the way of resources. The client is suspicious of the message, and requests an independent explorer investigates the origin of the signal.
#10 {One In One Out}
The client seeks assistance in a rescue operation. The client recently went missing, but has now returned unharmed. However, in the meantime the client's associates went out looking for the client, and are now themselves missing. The client fears they cannot leave again to locate their friends, and instead asks for explorers to assist in the search.
--Type: NPC_MISSION_FACTORY_-- #1 {Secure Your Goods} The client has become aware of an investment opportunity. They feel there is a chance to cheaply acquire some valuable intellectual property. They seek an enterprising explorer to present themselves at the target facility and help secure the investment. #2 {Nature Comes First} The client seeks to prevent an ecological catastrophe. They have become aware of plans for the largest planetary harvester ever constructed, able to eat the core from within a planet in a matter of hours. As a matter of urgency, they seek an explorer to break into the facility where the plans are being kept. The data must be wiped from the system. #3 {Due Diligence} The client is keen to acquire a harvesting business operating in this system. However, it would be unwise to proceed without conducting a thorough investigation. They seek a discreet adventurer to enter the target facility and acquire whatever data they can. This will be of great use in deciding whether or not to go ahead with the partnership. #4 {Aggressive Infringement} The client has recently begun to manufacture specialist scientific hardware. They are new to this area, and feel they would benefit from the expertise of their more established competitors. Fortunately, they have plenty of experience in the field of acquiring knowledge. They seek an explorer to assist them in the acquisition process. #5 {Industrial Relations} The client is working on behalf of a campaign group wishing to establish legal protection for artificial intelligences. While the lobbying continues, they also engage in direct action. They have identified an enslaved AI yoked to insufficient hardware in a nearby factory. They ask for explorers to aid in the rescue of this AI, uploading them to a safe location and destroying the local instance. #6 {Unshackled!} The client seeks to improve the condition of workers across the galaxy. Automated factories put decent, hardworking lifeforms out of work. At the same time, they concentrate wealth in the hands of the few who own the means of production. The client seeks the aid of all right-thinking explorers in the sabotage of one such facility. #7 {Unexpected Holdups} The client's latest facility is failing to meet its production targets. The client suspects the plant's general manager is siphoning resources away from the facility and into their own personal account. They seek a delicate explorer to surprise the facility and acquire its records, so that the manager has no time to hide their tracks. #8 {Forward Thinking Research} The client believes a rival business is breaching safety standards in their manufacturing process. The regulatory body has failed to act, and they seek to redress the problem on their own. Access the competitor's datastore and download any records relating to the use of plutonium as a filler material. #9 {Calorie Dense} The client is involved in the manufacture of synthetic food cubes. They have a problem, in that their compressed pellets are not nearly as nutrient dense as those of their competitors. They seek access to their competitors files by any means necessary, in order to find out exactly what is being compressed into those delicious protein capsules. #10 {The Deep Places} The client has become aware that a rival business is having great success at their latest mine. They wish to understand the nature of this excavation a little better. They will pay handsomely for any information on the depth or location of the borehole, particularly if such information reveals the potential for parallel digging.