#1 {Gone Some Time}
The client seeks aid in the search for a missing associate. They were last seen piloting a ship of questionable spaceworthiness. They launched from the local station in a foolhardy attempt to get home without first conducting the proper maintenance. Distress beacon signals indicate the ship made an accidental atmospheric approach within the last 24 hours.
#2 {No State for Exploration}
The client has lost their business partner. They had been celebrating the success of a recent deal when the now-missing party resolved to return home via a nearby planet. They were in a state of poor judgement, as the planet in question contains little in the way of amenities and plenty in the way of hazards. The client hopes to at least recover the body of the missing person, as their fingerprints are required to access the company accounts.
#3 {Storming Out}
The client seeks help in the search for a missing friend. The client's friend had been attempting to form a bond with another lifeform, but their offers had been rejected. The client fears this may have had an adverse effect on their friend's judgement, and requests urgency in the search.
#4 {The Runaway}
The client has lost one of their spawn. The youngest of their litter became jealous of the attention given to the first-born, and reacted by stealing the access codes to the client's starship. The client has the tracking data from the ship, and requests assistance in bringing their spawn back home.
#5 {Once More into the Unknown}
The client is engaged in the search for a missing employee. The individual concerned has a track record when it comes to unexplained absences, and the client is tiring of performing the search themselves. They feel it would be more efficient if a heavily-armed explorer located the missing person on this occasion.
#6 {Snatched!}
The client believes they have been targeted by a criminal gang. A member of their family has gone missing, and the client is convinced this is part of a kidnap plot. The client refuses to be extorted by thugs, though they recognise no-one has yet demanded any such payment. Nonetheless, they are seeking to remedy the situation by sending explorers in search of the missing party.
#7 {Reach for the Stars}
The client seeks help in the rescue of a missing person. The individual in question was last seen entering their ship on a sight-seeing tour of the local system. Their heart had been set on seeing the star up close. However, the client fears the starship was not equipped with sufficient heatsinks for the mission. Tracking data suggests the starship failed to reach the star, and made an emergency landing on a nearby planet.
#8 {Navigation Errors}
The client seeks help in the recovery of a missing person. The individual in question relied on the client to equip them for an expedition across local space. However, the client has become aware that the orbital data they supplied contained numerous calculation errors. They fear the individual may have made a problematic atmospheric approach, and is now in need of rescue.
#9 {Hostage Retrieval}
The client has been targeted by kidnappers. An associate of theirs was stolen from their home and transported to a strange planet. They managed to escape from their captors and sent a message to the client, claiming they have found shelter but have no ship and little in the way of resources. The client is suspicious of the message, and requests an independent explorer investigates the origin of the signal.
#10 {One In One Out}
The client seeks assistance in a rescue operation. The client recently went missing, but has now returned unharmed. However, in the meantime the client's associates went out looking for the client, and are now themselves missing. The client fears they cannot leave again to locate their friends, and instead asks for explorers to assist in the search.
#1 {Virtual Reality}
The client is creating an artificial galaxy, a projection of reality that can generate all possible worlds. The underlying simulation is progressing well, but the client requires a vast number of props with which to fill their creation. They will pay handsomely for holographic-quality scans of rock formations that they can place into their model.
#2 {Potential Yields}
The client seeks to expand their lucrative mining operations. They work on a large scale, hoovering up colossal quantities of earth from orbital mining stations. The economics of such a procedure requires a minimum level of extractable mineral content, and they seek scans from the local area to assess which sites might prove suitable.
#3 {Future Technology}
The client operates a mineral business. Their particular speciality is in the sourcing and refinement of electrically active minerals. This hazardous process is a key step in many high-tech supply chains, enabling the creation of the rechargeable shield cell, the photovoltaic panel, and the bioluminescent tattoo.
#4 {Ghosts of the Past}
The client is concerned by the rampant collection and destruction of mineral formations. Far from being chunks of compressed soil and salt, the client believes these rocks to be the frozen bodies of once sentient beings. As such, to smash one and recycle it into engine parts would be a heinous crime. They seek scans of minerals as evidence for their cause.
#5 {Shapely Forms}
The client takes great joy in the patterns that nature creates. They find the fact that beautiful structures emerge at random from a set of rules unconcerned with beauty to be a thing of great wonder. They want to share this awe with the world, and seek high quality mineral scans in order to do so.
#1 {Harmless Research}
The client supplies particular 'services' to high-value individuals across local space. From time-to-time, they require access to novel organic compounds, substances that are not part of any current toxicology screening. This is one of those times. Plant scans are the first port of call in such a search, and the client will reward any explorer who supplies them.
#2 {Nature's Bounty}
The client is engaged in medical research. They seek to establish an open-access pharmacological database, so that medical knowledge can spread freely across the galaxy. Their philanthropy is well-funded, and so generous rewards are offered to any who supply their library with data.
#3 {Holographic Romance}
The client seeks to impress a colleague with a gift. The colleague in question is not physically present, so the present must be a virtual one. They will reward the explorer who supplies 3D holographic scans of handsome plantlife, ready to be beamed to their intended recipient.
#4 {True Beauty}
The client has achieved much, and by conventional metrics is a tremendous success. But they tire of material gain. Is not beauty a sufficient reward? Is not pure aesthetic joy more valuable than anything money can buy? They will provide generous rewards to those who scan and deliver examples of beautiful plant life for them to meditate upon.
#5 {The Little Ones}
The client is a prominent crypto-entomologist. The galaxy is full of poorly documented lifeforms, and insects are among the least understood of all. They are tired of tiny invertebrates being ignored.
The client does not expect untrained explorers to be able to locate samples in the field. However, scans of planetary flora often accidentally contain rich insect information. As such, the client seeks plant scans to help build their database.
#1 {The HoloZoo}
The client requires a number of detailed biological surface scans. The data will be used to recreate lifelike holographic projections of each specimen, in order that others may enjoy observing them without threat to either viewer or creature.
#2 {An Artist At Work}
The client seeks high-quality lifeform scans. Detailed digital images are needed so that the client may test their skills at rendering a likeness of the creature in their chosen medium.
#3 {A New Breed of Monster}
The client requires a detailed biological survey. Their weaponised predator breeding programme has stalled, and new DNA samples are required to patch over existing weaknesses in hunting/stealth behaviours.
#4 {The Archivists}
The client requires urgent biological scan data. Species are wiped out every day, by climate disruption, war or industrial accident. While the client has no opinion on these events, they are concerned that this data loss renders their universal archive incomplete.
#5 {Popular Culture}
The client sponsors a large gallery facility. Recent exhibitions have focused on abstract art, and visitor numbers have fallen. They seek realistic holographic projections of exciting or attractive animals in an effort to entice customers back to the gallery.
#6 {New Generations}
The client runs a successful research facility. They have reached a stage in their career where they want to give something back to the scientific community.
As a youngling, they were inspired by the majestic biological sights on their homeworld. They feel if they can supply holographic scans of similar creatures, they can bring the same sense of wonder to those unable to see such beasts in the flesh.
#7 {Curing the Sick}
The client is involved in an exozoology medical project, but it is inefficient to send veterinarians to every planet in the hope of finding sick animals. They are looking for data scans that sample animal populations. These can be tested for signs of disease and used to target their efforts most effectively.
#8 {Decoding Natural Patterns}
The client is fascinated by the process by which the planets are populated. Certain traits evolve time after time at different ends of the galaxy. They seek to understand if these parallel evolutions are natural and expected, strange coincidences, the result of some underlying pattern, or of outside meddling. They are building a database in which these traits and the environments that generated them can be evaluated, and seek enterprising explorers to help fill it.
#9 {Not A Toxic Cleanup}
The client seeks explorers of discretion to aid them in a research project. Certain toxic substances may or may not have been leaked and/or intentionally vented into the atmospheres of nearby planets. Scans of local fauna will reveal if this potentially-toxic theoretical substance is having any long-term effects on the wildlife.
#10 {Space Milk}
The client is searching for new revenue streams for their agricultural business. They seek explorers to help them assess the suitability of local wildlife. Scans are needed to evaluate potential domestication, projected gestation time and feed cost, and the nutritional value of their harvested milk.
#1 {Happy Orbit Day}
The client is seeking a trustworthy courier. They wish to honour a colleague with tribute, a celebration of their successful continued survival.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#2 {Everything is Fine}
The client is seeking a discrete delivery service. They wish to reassure the courier that the package is exactly what it seems and there is no need to mistrust the shipping manifest.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#3 {Delicate Negotiations}
The client is seeking resolution to a business deal. The other party has been negotiating hard, and the client hopes this package will remove any further impediment to their transaction. It is important the package is delivered only to the recipient.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#4 {Looking the Other Way}
The client is conducting sensitive business. The package is a heartfelt thank you to certain parties. It is freely given, in the knowledge that any potential indiscretions have been, or will be, overlooked.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#5 {A Parcel of Fences}
The client simply wishes to pass on some goods to a colleague, nothing more. They have also supplied a message to the effect that the recipient has no need to worry, and that the goods are now untraceable.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#6 {Nearest and Dearest}
The client has an important and busy job so cannot be expected to take care of trivial domestic matters. It is a day for celebrating ones progenitors, and the custom is to give a gift to the one who spawned you. The client wishes this matter taken care of, so that they do not have to think about it.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#7 {An Apology}
The client owes an emotional debt to a relation of theirs. They have forgotten to commemorate a date of particular importance. By way of apology, they have ordered an item of particular value to be shipped to the wronged party. Take care not to lose it in transport lest the client end up in further difficulty.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#8 {Specialist Research}
The client has come across a strange item. While it appears ordinary, microbial scans revealed an alarming number of unknown spores. They need the item couriered to a biohazard specialist. Do not attempt to break the seal.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#9 {A Coded Threat}
The client wishes to send a message to an associate. There is no written message to accompany the item, and the item itself is of no great significance. However, they feel the delivery of the item to the associate's personal address will make their meaning particularly clear.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#10 {The Great Cleanse}
The client wishes to declutter. They have accumulated a vast number of doodads that they now wish to dispose of. To destroy them would be wasteful, but to deposit them all in one location would potentially reveal too much personal information. As such, they have selected to disperse their items across both a large number of couriers and recipients.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#11 {Postage Paid}
The client is engaging in a small-scale retail business. They purchase unwanted or underappreciated items and then unite them with buyers more in tune to their value. Their latest shipment is ready to be sent to the appreciative connoisseur who paid for it.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#12 {Suspicious Quacking}
The client has an entirely ordinary shipment and seeks a courier who will neither ask questions nor attract the attention of the authorities. The client wishes to reassure their potential courier that any animal noises heard coming from inside the packing crate are entirely in the courier's imagination.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#13 {Barter}
The client is part of a long and complex chain of transactions. To avoid leaving any potentially traceable records, the deal has been conducted free from the exchange of currency. This shipment represents their part of the payment to one of the other parties.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#14 {A Loyal Customer}
The client is dispatching a regular shipment to one of their most loyal customers. The item is not particularly special, but it is important that the customer feels valued. To this end, they are eschewing bulk delivery methods and seek an experienced personal courier.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#15 {Duty Free}
The client dispatches a large number of items every day. Their business involves tight profit margins, and even the lightest of tax schemes could wipe out their gains. They find it generally more efficient to employ a discreet courier who just happens to deliver their item while on their ordinary, non-commercial business.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#16 {The Decoy}
The client is known to local pirates, and a bounty has been put on their head. They need to leave the system without being followed. They have embedded their tracking chip into this item, and require it ferried in the opposite direction to their escape.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#17 {Hot Goods}
The galaxy is home to a large and varied web of regulations. Seemingly innocuous items in one system can be highly illegal elsewhere. Such differentiation creates commercial opportunities. The client wishes such an item delivered, with few questions asked and little attention drawn.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#18 {Free Tasters}
The client wishes to secure a major new customer for their business. The customer wishes to sample the client's goods before committing to a bulk order. The client needs this sample delivered to the customer, and it needs to arrive in top condition.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#19 {Fresh Produce}
The client ships weekly packages to consumers who are unable or unwilling to shop for themselves. The consumer can then follow the included recipe to prepare themselves a delicious meal and/or robot servant. This shipment represents this week's order.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
#20 {Passing the Baton}
The client has previously engaged a courier for this shipment, but they proved unable to complete the delivery. Both their Pulse Engine and cockpit canopy suffered a laser-induced mechanical failure. The client seeks a new bold new courier, able to out run any other mechanical failures that may be lurking outside the space station.
The courier will be supplied with 1x Defence Chit, in case of pirate attack.
--Type: NPC_MISSION_SENTI_HARD_-- #1 {Mapping their Movements} The client seeks to better understand the Sentinels. They feel they have enough data on the behaviour of planetary drones, but comparatively little on the more rare quad and walker examples. The seek explorers to draw out and engage such higher Sentinels in order that they might be observed in battle. #2 {Harvest The Brains} The client is engaged in advanced artificial intelligence research. They seek to further their studies through the acquisition of mechanical and fabricated brains from across the galaxy. They have a wide collection already, but the jewel in the crown would be the processing unit from an advanced Sentinel. They seek an explorer to make the kill so that their team can safely perform the extraction. #3 {Spare Parts} The client requires spare parts for a personal project. Long ago, they overwrote the brain of a damaged Sentinel quadruped with a simple AI of their own creation. This salvaged machine has proved to be a loyal companion. However, various bearings and hydraulic systems are beginning to wear out. They require an explorer to disable or destroy an advanced Sentinel, so that they might harvest it for spares parts and restore their pet to full working order. #4 {Wrath of the Sentinels} The client suffered a great humiliation at the hands of the Sentinels. Their thirst for vengeance has not been slaked by the destruction of Sentinels with their own hands. Nor has the widespread elimination of drones soothed their rage. In what is probably a futile escalation, they are paying explorers to destroy every advanced Sentinel they can. #5 {Send Them Running} The client wishes to perform an aggressive experiment. They wish to discover effective ways of discouraging Sentinel drone aggression. Their latest theory is that destroying the more advanced Sentinel creations will leave the drones leaderless and confused, scattering them and bringing respite to planetary explorers. All they require to test this theory is a bold technician to perform the combat portion of their experiment. #6 {Poking the Beast} The client wishes to probe the systems that drive the Sentinels. Current knowledge is limited to the observation that Sentinels are provoked by the harvesting of resources. They wish to study other behavioural patterns. How do they communicate? Do they have a natural hierarchy? Are they aware of their wounds? How do they feel about their targets? The client feels the best way to answer these questions is to have a suitably equipped explorer engaged an advanced Sentinel while they observe from a safe distance. #7 {The Heist} The client, like many others, has observed the value of gravitino orbs. Unlike many others, however, they have little desire to be attacked and pursued by Sentinels. Instead, for a share of the profits, they seek an enterprising explorer to attack and kill advanced Sentinel forces. While the drones are distracted, they will quickly collect their orbs and flee before the Sentinels return. #8 {A Sentinel of One's Own} The client has worked hard to grow a substantial nursery garden, full of rare and valuable plants. However, this has attracted thieves and other plant plunderers. The client seeks to construct their own private Sentinel force to monitor their trees. The have a large number of parts from downed drones, but to complete their patrol group they need pieces from a Sentinel quad or walker. They seek an explorer to perform the necessary combat manoeuvres. #9 {The Nullifier} The client is testing a potential solution to the Sentinel harassment problem. They have developed a device that broadcasts high-frequency sounds at a wavelength that interferes with whatever intelligence drives the Sentinels. At least, that is the theory. The client seeks an explorer to engage an advanced Sentinel in battle, so that the device can be tested properly. The explorer should be prepared to fight if the device fails to function correctly. #10 {Testing their Defences} The client has developed a networking device that operates at the same wavelength as the Sentinel communicator systems. They intend to use this to probe for exploits in whatever system directs and controls the drones. They seek an explorer to engage an advanced Sentinel in battle, in order that they might test their device.
#1 {Protect the Miners}
The client is engaged in large-scale mining operations, and planetary Sentinel forces have responded in a hostile fashion. The maintenance and laser-damage repair costs are becoming substantial. The client wishes the Sentinels thinned and their profit margins restored.
#2 {Distracting the Guards}
The client is finding it difficult to pursue their chosen line of business while under constant surveillance by Sentinel forces. They seek a window of opportunity while the Sentinel force is occupied elsewhere.
#3 {A Return Blow}
The client has close friends who, through some unspecified indiscretion, attracted the attention of the Sentinel force. This interaction proved deadly, and the client is seeking vengeance.
#4 {Eyes of the Sentinels}
The client has innocently stumbled upon a large number of animal carcasses, a bounty of harvestable resources. However, Sentinel forces are making it inconvenient to collect this windfall. Ensure nothing is wasted by distracting Sentinels and allowing the client to make their collection.
#5 {Watching the Watchers}
The client has discovered disturbing information. They believe the Sentinel force, far from being neutral, is acting to further the agenda of a shadowy Gek cabal. Regardless of the merit of this belief, the client is willing to reward any who help fight this 'conspiracy'.
#6 {Curious Tastes}
The client is on a search to improve themselves, to expand their mind and free themselves from the physical limitations of their fragile body. To this end, they are attempting to survive on a diet of pure pugneum. Unfortunately, until they have benefited from the this consumption, they are unable to destroy the Sentinel drones required to acquire it. They seek brave explorers to engage and destroy Sentinels, so that they might come along after and eat their fill.
#7 {An Acquired Taste}
The client seeks a large amount of zinc for a research project. Growing and then harvesting all the plants required would take a prohibitively long time, so they seek an enterprising explorer to help them cut a few corners. Hunt and destroy Sentinels, and let their corpse leach zinc into the earth. The client will arrive for separate collection of the metal.
#8 {Sweet Release}
The client believes that the anger of the Sentinels derives from a deep-seated pain. They propose that the drones suffer in eternal mechanical torment, their souls burning inside their metal shells. They believe it is their duty to free these beings from their suffering.
#9 {Luring them Out}
The client wishes to engage in a study of the Sentinels. They wish to find out where the Sentinels come from, and how fresh Sentinels are manufactured. Are they built like conventional machines, or summoned from some strange unknown? They require a willing explorer to kill planetary drones to begin the generation of fresh Sentinel forces.
#10 {Want Not, Waste Not}
The client, along with many others, has suffered at the hands of overzealous Sentinel patrols. They wish to take this perpetual source of stress and misery and transform it into something pleasant. To that end, they have commissioned explorers to hunt and destroy Sentinel drones. They shall melt down the fallen scraps of metal and recast them in a large arboreal sculpture, a source of beauty and refuge for all.
#1 {Coward's Way Out}
The client is keen to spend time exploring local planets. However, they are worried about the presence of hostile wildlife. The observation of nature at work and play is easier to go about when nature is entirely vegetarian. Eliminate predatory creatures so that the client can move around safely.
#2 {Sanctity of Nature}
The client is concerned about the recent trend of aggressive DNA collection and manipulation by companies keen to breed superpredators. Lobbying for greater regulation has proved futile, and so the client is preparing to take direct action. They will reward any explorer who exterminates predatory lifeforms, preventing research companies from acquiring the predator for themselves.
#3 {Protect the Vulnerable}
The client has recently spent time among the gentle herds of diplos. They have seen their plight first-hand, how these peaceful giants are hassled and harried by vicious predators. They can stand it no longer, and will reward any explorer who helps free the herbivorous from carnivorous tyranny.
#4 {Survival of the Fittest}
The client seeks to engineer the next generation of superpredator. They will do so not by genetic manipulation, hemmed in by the limited imagination of the biologist. Instead, they will accelerate the evolutionary process and let nature refine its raw beasts into unrelenting carnivorous terror. To do so, they seek explorers to hunt and destroy predatory lifeforms. Each culled creature is a weakness removed from the genepool.
#5 {Trying to Please}
The client wishes to exploit the resources of local planets. However, Sentinel drones make such activity highly dangerous. They have observed that the drones do not harm those who kill carnivorous creatures. Therefore, they seek to curry favour with the Sentinels through the extermination of predatory creatures. With enough creatures destroyed, they reason they may offset the drone's wrath and gain the freedom to harvest minerals and flora.
--Type: NPC_MISSION_CRE_HUNT_-- #1 {The Taste of Mordite} The client has a highly sophisticated palate, and hungers for the glide of mordite across their tongue. They seek a discreet hunter to prepare the feast. Leave the bodies where they fall, and the client will take care of the rest. #2 {Impeding the Competition} The client is in the zoological business. However, the ability of customers to simply wander into nature and view creatures without having to purchase a ticket is limiting their profits. Eliminate this surplus wildlife. #3 {Thin the Herd} The client is concerned that creature overpopulation is harming local plant life. Delicate leaves and juicy, succulent stems are being wantonly trampled. They will reward any enterprising hunters who help thin the herd. #4 {The Cleanse of Death} The client is worried that the free movement of creatures represents a serious microbial hazard. Rounding up large numbers of animals and washing them individually is highly impractical, so they seek hunters to eliminate both host and germ. #5 {Vengeance} The client is tired of being humiliated by local wildlife. Every time they set foot upon a world, they can feel the mocking compound-eye stares burning into them, the passive-aggressive hoof stomping ringing in their ears. Teach these creatures a lesson.
#1 {A Matter of Honour}
The client seeks an end to a rapidly escalating situation. They were inadvertently involved in the harvesting of a tree that belonged to a local crime lord. Vengeance and counter-vengeance have been taken, and the situation can now only be defused with the application of extreme violence (ideally, not in the direction of the client).
#2 {A Dance of Brigands}
The client runs a series of supply routes across local space. However, pirates have been setting up checkpoints and intimidating the traders into handing over cargo. The client, who is not given a cut of these profits, finds this behaviour unacceptable and wishes it ended.
#3 {Tourist Trap}
The client seeks to benefit from the beauty of this system by attracting wealthy sightseers. However, wealthy sightseers have in turn attracted pirates and ruined the business. The client wishes the tables turned and the hunters hunted.
#4 {Is this Helping?}
The client feels there are too many pirates operating in the area. They feel their own business would benefit from fewer hostile ships preying on all the most lucrative trading vessels...
#5 {The Hydra}
The client has discovered that a pirate of some repute has begun operating in local space. They feel this represents an opportunity to set an example. Destroy the leader, and scare the others into more lawful or less deadly occupations.
#6 {Overconfidence}
The client has noted that certain pirates are developing ideas above their station. Recent successes have convinced these criminals that they rule local space. Their confidence is misplaced, and they are only allowed such freedom at the behest of the client.
The client notes with displeasure that the pirates have failed to deliver their usual tribute, and would like to make an example of them to other pilots attempting to cut their superiors out of the profits.
#7 {On the Offensive}
The client has amassed an unfortunately large amount of debt to the account of a local pirate captain. They have neither the inclination or the ability to make good on the debt, and have instead opted to take a final loan from creditor and use it as a bounty on the pirate's own head.
#8 {The Rivals}
The client seeks the destruction of a specific pirate vessel. They would like to make it clear that this bounty is being legitimately posted and they are not in any way a front for another pirate organisation.
#9 {Legitimate Business}
The client was until recently a senior officer in a local pirate squadron. They have decided the time is right to become a legitimate business owner. However, their former colleagues know far too much about their criminal past. Previously, the client would have murdered them with their own hands. However, such criminality is behind them. Instead, they have placed this bounty upon their ex-gang members.
#10 {Proxy War}
Both the client and a rival business have been locked in a struggle to assert dominance over local space. While they would never stoop so low as to simply destroy ships and facilities, they have noted that illegal goods have recently and mysteriously turned up on vessels belonging to their rival. This, naturally, makes outlaws of such vessels and as such they become perfectly legitimate targets for bounty hunting.
#1 {Disruption}
Pirate crews have been disrupting freighter traffic, an affront to both honest and dishonest merchants alike. The client wishes this disruption ended. Disruptively.
#2 {Protection Money}
Pirates have been looting autonomous mining facilities and attacking the vessels that arrive to empty the hoppers. They prey on the weak, and the client hopes that eliminating a small number of pirate ships will cause the rest to move to a site of less resistance.
#3 {Science Strikes Back}
Local scientific facilities are struggling to cope with a wave of pirate attacks. Microscopes have been stolen and titration equipment smashed. The client wishes to conduct an experiment in how many pirates need to die in order to stop the attacks.
#4 {Saving Face}
The client seeks resolution to a family problem. Specifically, a family member has turned to piracy and brought dishonour upon their good name. Destroy them, and restore the client's standing among decent lifeforms.
#5 {The Crusade}
The client has benefited from a message from the stars, explaining to them their purpose in life. They are to serve the greater good through a never-ending quest to eliminate pirates. They seek pilots to join their crusade, at least temporarily.
#6 {Beyond the Grave}
This posting has been made on behalf of the client by their estate. The client was marooned by a gang of pirates and left for dead on a hostile planet. The client is presumed dead, but a repeater was left transmitting details of the fate over local radio channels. They requested their remaining funds to be put up as a bounty upon the heads of those who abandoned them.
#7 {Sabotage!}
The client requests immediate assistance in apprehending a pirate. EMP devices were hidden all over their facility, causing serious damage to their operational capabilities. Denied the means to do so themselves, they ask that all law-abiding pilots come to their aid in pursuit of those responsible.
#8 {Hunting the Hackers}
The client has suffered a great loss at the hands of a pirate gang. Rather than an attack in space, they remotely hijacked the client's trade terminal and used it to divert funds and goods to their own account. The client seeks physical retribution for this virtual crime.
#9 {Ruthless Negotiation}
Pirates have kidnapped several employees of the client. They are demanding an extremely high ransom price. The client has decided a show of force is the best way to stop future kidnaps. They are seeking a pilot to find and destroy the pirate vessel, despite the hostages still being on board. The loss of life is unfortunate, but such an approach will demonstrate the client will not tolerate extortion attempts.
#10 {High Stakes}
The client has a lucrative business taking money on the outcome of space battles. They operate out of a luxury freighter, travelling local space in search of conflicts that their customers can observe and bet on in safety and comfort. Business is booming, but conflict is not. They seek pilots to enter the 'arena' and create entertaining action for their passengers.
#1 {Test their Mettle}
A recently-emerged squadron of pirates has begun to establish a reputation among their seniors. The client wishes to test the mettle of these pilots. Are they all talk, or will they stand up in a dogfight against an experienced pilot?
#2 {Protect the Exophants}
A gang of thugs has been conducting raids on local zoological facilities, killing the carefully trained creatures with impunity. The client wishes these raiders exterminated.
#3 {The Common Good}
The client has recently benefited from a substantial windfall, and wishes to deploy it for the common good. To that end, they have paid for several generous bounties. Eliminate local pirates to claim a share.
#4 {Creating Debris}
The client runs a salvage operation that has fallen on hard times. They are looking for a pilot to provide debris-harvesting opportunities by eliminating local pirate crews.
#5 {Action among the Stars}
The client has acquired a large telescope and wishes to observe more than asteroids. They will pay handsomely for entertaining action within observable space.
#6 {The Reject}
The client was until recently a junior member of a pirate cadre operating in nearby space. They have decided to leave the criminal life behind them, and as part of their road to redemption have put out bounties on former colleagues. This is entirely motivated by a desire for justice and not for reasons of petty jealousy.
#7 {Revenge of the Paw}
The client has been the victim of a pirate scheme. Their loyal animal companion has been kidnapped and held to ransom. Paying the fee would only encourage more such thefts, so the client seeks a bold pilot to go on the offensive. They hope that picking off members of the gang will prove enough to see their pet returned safely.
#8 {Radio Silence}
The client seeks to restore face after a humiliation. Their ship was recently hailed by pirates, but instead of coming under fire they merely received mocking laughter and insulting remarks about the size of their Pulse Engine. They seek to prove their strength and virility to these pirates by commissioning a pilot to destroy them.
#9 {Inner Space}
The client is engaged in medical research. Sentinel oversight makes it difficult to acquire enough corpses to supply their research facility. They seek bold pilots to engage and destroy pirate ships, leaving the bodies neatly frozen in space for their research vessel to collect.
#10 {Running on Empty}
The client is a pirate seeking revenge on their colleagues. Their vessel was docked in their local station when other pirates drained the Pulse Engine of charge and left them stranded. In an attempt to both gain revenge and up the stakes in their practical joke feud, the pirate has put a bounty on the heads of their comrades.
#1 {Uninsured}
The client is in an unfortunate situation. Their business has been struggling, and they have failed to keep up the payments on their freighter insurance. Their vessel has come under attack, and if it is captured or destroyed they will lose everything. They will reward any pilot who comes to their aid.
#2 {Hold Them Off}
The client's freighter has attracted the attention of local criminals. It is not a simple matter of raiders claiming cargo - their freighter is shipping thousands of abandoned infant spawn. The pirates are attempting to capture the freighter and enslave its 'cargo'. The client implores you to come to their defence.
#3 {Not Again}
The client runs a cut-price shipping line. They will deliver your goods for the lowest prices in the galaxy, as long as your are prepared to take the risk that your goods may explode on route.
One of their freighters has been attacked, which is not usually newsworthy. However, the client is at risk of heavy fines if they allow another of their freighters to explode and scatter debris across the system. Defend them, and be rewarded.
#4 {Ongoing Feuds}
The client is caught in a long-running feud with another group of spacefarers. In a bid to end the quarrel, they have arranged a trap. A seemingly undefended freighter has been deployed to attract the attention of the rival gang. The client seeks bold pilots to attack and destroy the pirates once they have been lured into the open by this apparently easy prize.
#5 {One of a Kind}
The client has finally secured rare archaeological samples, pieces of marked stone that have the potential to reveal the secrets of the portals. However, the freighter they employed to transport the samples has been attacked by pirates. They urge you to defend the freighter, and prevent the ignorance of pirates from destroying priceless knowledge.
#6 {Stowaways}
The client seeks bold pilots to come to the aid of a nearby endangered freighter. The client does not own the freighter in question. However, they have come to learn that thousands of reptile eggs have hatched in the freighter's hold after a stop in a marsh-like world earlier in its route. The client will not stand idle while pirate attacks threaten innocent newts, and urges others to join them in their defence.
#7 {Polluted Space}
The client seeks all pilots who care about the cleanliness of space. One of their freighters is under attack, and any damage to the engines may spill a new fuel the freighter was trialling. This new fuel is as toxic as it is powerful, and if it were to spill in local space the results would be catastrophic.
#8 {One Last Trip}
The client runs a freighter company, and one of their transports is under attack in local space. Usually they would write off the loss of a freighter against their insurance, but the captain of the ship is on his final mission before retirement. The death of such an experienced spacefarer would add significantly to their premiums, and as such they seek all hands to aid the defence of the vessel.
#9 {Lessons from the Past}
The client runs a freighter appreciation society. They have become aware of a rare Stephano-Class transport under attack in local space. Such a vessel is of considerable historical importance, and they will handsomely reward any pilots who prevent its destruction.
#10 {The Diplomat}
The client seeks urgent help in the defence of a freighter. The vessel is not just carrying goods - the president of their organisation is aboard the vessel. The reward for saving their life will be considerable.
#1 {Balancing the Books}
The client runs a shipping and receiving operation, but the latter side of their business is stagnating. Thankfully, an opportunity to 'receive' a large volume of material has recently arrived nearby. They seek an enterprising pilot to help deliver the goods.
#2 {A Friendly Reminder}
The client seeks aggressive mediation in a dispute with a former colleague. The target has left the business to pursue legitimate freighter captaincy. The client, however, has a long memory. They cannot simply be swept into the past. They would see the new captain reminded of his previous commitments.
#3 {Creative Accounting}
The client is in possession of both a defective freighter and a generous insurance policy. They seek a discreet pilot to help them maximise the return on their investment.
#4 {The Wrong Hands}
The client seeks a bold pilot, willing to do what is right even when that might be illegal. They have become aware of a freighter entering local space on a secret mission. Contrary to its manifest, the freighter is delivering valuable metals to a nearby criminal gang. Due process would be too slow to prevent the goods arriving, and so an early strike is the only option.
#5 {No Rules In Space}
The client has become aware of a competitor using freighters as mobile factories, moving dangerous machines and ill-treated workers from system to system as they dodge regulatory enforcement. As the proper authorities have not taken action, the client feels it is their duty as a diligent business to sponsor the destruction of this unfair competition.
#6 {High Value Individual}
The client has become aware of a freighter carrying more than its declared industrial cargo. A local military leader is secretly aboard, disguised on the manifest as a humble engine greaser. It would be highly convenient for the client if this freighter were to meet an unfortunate end.
#7 {The Embargo}
The client has become aware of illegal traffic entering the system. A freighter is attempting to import goods without having filled in the correct tax declarations. Such behaviour flies in the face of agreed interstellar trading regulations, and as such extreme sanctions are warranted. If the freighter is disabled, the client may by rights acquire the illegal goods for themselves, provided they pay the duty owed.
#8 {Unsinkable}
The client has recently launched a brand-new line of freighters. They are the largest, most heavily armoured, most luxurious interstellar goods transports ever created. To demonstrate just how resistant their new vessel is to pirate attack, the client has commissioned local pilots to attempt to attack and destroy their freighter.
#9 {Time for an Upgrade}
The client has been the victim of an unjustified clampdown by the authorities. As such, they are in possession of a large number of laser-damaged starships. This fleet is their prime asset, but as the ships are unspaceworthy the client is in a difficult economic situation. They have identified incoming freighter traffic as a source of prime materials that could restore both engines to their fighters and liquidity to their assets.
#10 {Bad Publicity}
The client is involved in the freighter business. They have been locked in an endless trade war with another major shipping line, and profits margins have been whittled down to nothing. They have reached a moment of last resort. In order to discredit the rival operation, and drive business their own way, they have paid for bounties on all heavy-class vessels from their competitor's fleet.
#1 {Personal Shopper}
The client wishes to present a gift of substantial value to a loyal partner. The partner has served them faithfully and diligently over many years. They require a trustworthy pilot to source and safely deliver an item of appropriate value.
#2 {Remembrance}
The client seeks an object from their past, a token that reminds them of days gone by. It represents a significant moment in their childhood, and as such they will pay handsomely for the safe delivery of the item.
#3 {A Feast}
The client has heard of an emerging new trend. They seek an item rumoured to be both delicious and full of nutrients. Naturally, such sudden popularity means it is hard to source. They will reward any pilot who can acquire the item in time for them to consume it at their next feast.
#4 {Lighting the Way}
The client has been researching alternative methods of power generation. They believe they have made a breakthrough. Their new method generates vast amounts of power, with very few toxic waste products. However, they lack supplies of a key component. They cannot leave their lab, and so seek pilots to collect the item for them.
#5 {Life Finds a Way}
The client is engaged in advanced consciousness research. They have thrown aside preconceived notions of what makes a mind, in search of a more holistic answer. They believe they have made a breakthrough.
They have found a material with properties they believe align with the ability to experience thought. All they need to do to prove the theory is assemble a thinking machine built from this substance. This requires a significant amount of material, and they seek explorers to aid with the gathering process.
#6 {Market Manipulation}
The client has identified an opportunity for profit. There is a cut of this windfall available to all who assist in the process.
They seek a large number of explorers to deliver items to the same location, so as to depress the price in the local markets. This oversupply will force the competition out of business, allowing the client to enter the market at a later date and exploit the lack of long-term supply.
#7 {Freely Given Gifts}
The client seeks to smooth their relationship with the system authorities. They have come to understand the Commissioner of the local station has a taste for a particular item, and would like to see that they receive it. Of course, they would not be so crass as to deliver it in person. They seek an explorer to act as the intermediary and make the collection on their behalf.
#8 {The New Black}
The client curates a monthly selection of goods for the rich and idle. They have become aware of a surge of interest in a particular item, and as such they simply must have it for their latest collection. They will pay above market rates to any explorer who can acquire it for them.
#9 {Competitive Urges}
The client has become aware that a rival of theirs is interested in a very specific item. Naturally, they cannot allow them to acquire it. They will reward any explorer who acquires the item ahead of their rival, and prevents them doing whatever it is they want it for.
#10 {Mutton Dressed As Nanites}
The client has recently begun a new business. They take ordinary items and help others see the value in them. Primarily, this is accomplished by taking cheap objects and distressing them so they appear to be of historical interest. They seek a new batch of items on which to perform their alchemy.
#11 {Valuable Specimens}
The client is engaged in speculative research. They have received a large grant, and are looking for ways to spend it. As such, they have designed a series of tests they believe will let them know if an item is in need of further testing. They now seek materials on which they can run this procedure.
#12 {The Replacement}
The client has misplaced an item of great importance. They seek an urgent replacement, so that no-one need ever know the item was gone.
#13 {Keeping Up With The Jovians}
The client has become aware that a rival operation has acquired an item of great importance. They are not entirely sure why the item is significant, but reason that they must have one too lest they be left behind by the competition.
#14 {The Cog in the Machine}
The client is creating a perpetual motion machine. They have sourced a wide variety of parts and energy sources from across the galaxy, and believe they are only a few components short of finalising their creation. They cannot leave the machine unguarded, and as such seek explorers to source the remaining materials.
#15 {A Record of Our Time}
The client is seeking to fill a secure lockbox with items representing their people and culture. They believe this will be of great value to future historians. However, none of the client's associates have been willing to give up their own possessions. As such, they seek explorers to collect and deliver samples of their selected items.
#16 {The Final Piece}
The client is a noted collector of valuable items. They have assembled a fine collection, but it is missing its final piece. Until that hole is plugged, the collection is worthless. The client calls on all explorers to aid them in their search for this rarest of goods, and will reward any who help them secure it. Mint specimens only, please.
#17 {Profiteering}
The client seeks to manipulate local markets. Due to an unfortunate data error, they have purchased ten times the volume of goods as they were expecting. They seek explorers to purchase the same item from trade terminals around local space in an effort to drive the price up, so that they may offload their accidental purchase at a profit.
#18 {The Puppetmaster}
The client is seeking to destabilise relations between two local criminal factions. Both seek a particular item, and if they cannot find it will assume this is part of a plot by the other. The client wishes a discreet explorer to source the item independently, so that they might prompt a conflict between the two rivals.
#19 {Ahead of the Curve}
The client wishes to get ahead of the competition in a business venture. They have heard rumours that a particular market is about to boom, and wish to have the stock on hand to profit when this happens. They will pay above current rates for any samples delivered to them, generously helping independent pilots by taking on the risk in the transaction.
#20 {Wisdom of Crowds}
The client is a highly successful entrepreneur. As such, they are far too busy to source their own goods. Instead, they are offering rewards to any independent pilot who completes and delivers their shopping for them.
#1 {Storm Damage}
The client seeks the urgent repair of their planetary equipment. The machinery was functioning correctly until local weather radar reported an incoming storm of unusual ferocity. The client seeks engineers with strong hazard protection and the ability to improvise to locate and repair the damaged equipment.
#2 {Lost Signal}
The client has lost contact with their remote facility. The circumstances are mysterious - autodiagnostic reports indicate the machinery is full operational, but no other data is being received. They seek experienced engineers to locate and assess the equipment, and perform any necessary repairs.
#3 {Not Tooth Resistant}
The client seeks an explorer to locate and repair a piece of damaged machinery. Automated test reports indicate the presence of animal teeth and droppings in the wiring loom. Other external and internal damage may become evident once the engineer is on site.
#4 {Production Defects}
The client seeks the repair of faulty planetary equipment. They have been informed that the facility where the equipment was constructed has been contaminated. The manufacturer has not specified the exact nature of the fault, but has warned all users to have a quantum bubble evacuation procedure.
#5 {Vandals!}
The client seeks a bold and/or combat trained engineer to undertake repairs on a piece of planetside equipment. Diagnostics from the machinery are consistent with extreme laser damage.
#6 {Cutting Corners}
The client seeks an engineer to repair a piece of faulty equipment. The previous attempt to fix the fault was unsuccessful. The client asks that any explorer undertaking the job recovers the remains of the previous engineer from the gear mechanism and disposes of it respectfully.
#7 {Beyond Operating Parameters}
The client seeks the repair of damaged equipment. Environmental protection standards were not met when the machinery was installed, and some combination of the weather and/or local wildlife have caused the machine to become inoperable.
#8 {Profit in Renewal}
The client seeks salvage specialists for a profitable joint venture. They have become aware of several pieces of abandoned machinery, damaged in a long-forgotten conflict. With the ghosts of the past long-gone, the machinery represents a chance to profit. What better way to respect the dead than to recycle the components of their machinery and use it for some new purpose?
#9 {Misplaced Aggression}
The client seeks an explorer to assist in the repair of a piece of damaged equipment. Diagnostic logs suggest that local Sentinel forces may have mistaken the device for an aggressive harvesting unit. The client advises any engineers attempting the repair to be cautious when approaching the machine.
#10 {Teething Difficulties}
The client seeks urgent repairs to an important prototype. They were conducting final field tests of a new line of equipment when the lost contact with the unit. They seek a discreet engineer to both repair the machine and adjust the logs so that the fault is not detected by their investors.
#1 {A Prudent Reminder}
The client is involved in the insurance business. They have had great success in recent years, but growth is starting to slow. Mining operations in this area are failing to see the need for insurance. The client would like to remind them of its importance.
#2 {Protection Money}
The client is engaged in mining operations. Rivals of theirs have taken to storing mined goods in the open, with very little protection. Not paying for guards and weapons is giving them a competitive advantage that must come to an end.
#3 {The Purity of Nature}
The client regards local mining operations with a sense of horror. They view this plundering of nature as deeply unethical, and are prepared to reward those who take direct action to stop it.
#4 {The Ends Justify...}
The client seeks the sort of sensible, stable governance that all good citizens aspire to. Sadly, not everyone shares their view. They believe that if the consequences of chaos and disorder were felt in a direct and immediate way, others would rally round their cause. Hence, they feel the greater good demands the loss of a number of planetary outposts.
#5 {Freedom!}
The client believes all nature should be free, even minerals. They will reward any who free any natural resources locked up in unnatural 'cages'.
#6 {Sitting Ducks}
The client seeks a discrete 'investor' to aid them in a business opportunity. They have become aware of a structural weakness in a competitor's business, and seek to initiate a takeover. Specifically, the weakness is in a series of unguarded planetary depots, and the takeover opportunity is a hostile one.
#7 {Drumming Up Business}
The client runs a successful depot repair business. They specialise in the restoration of laser-damaged equipment. They are looking to share their success with any independent contractors who happen to innocently stumble across damaged planetary depots.
#8 {Secrets of the Past}
The client has been studying several sites of high archaeological value. However, recent efforts have been hampered by the spread of planetary mining facilities. Many of the rock and soil samples they had selected for study have been harvested and processed by mining machines. They seek enterprising fellow-historians to locate where this geological matter has been taken, and then to 'liberate' it from its containment.
#9 {The Greater Good}
The client is afraid that a local mining corporation is amassing dangerous substances. They fear the company is going beyond the collection and sale of this material, and is planning to use it in a hostile fashion. They seek explorers to locate and raid storage facilities, and prevent the substances contained within from being used in a way that may harm us all.
#10 {Unsubtle Warnings}
The client seeks to send a simple message to a competitor. The message is 'We have destroyed your depots. If you wish your larger facilities to stay intact, then perhaps you will accede to our requests'. They seek an explorer to help deliver this message.
--Type: NPC_MISSION_FACTORY_-- #1 {Secure Your Goods} The client has become aware of an investment opportunity. They feel there is a chance to cheaply acquire some valuable intellectual property. They seek an enterprising explorer to present themselves at the target facility and help secure the investment. #2 {Nature Comes First} The client seeks to prevent an ecological catastrophe. They have become aware of plans for the largest planetary harvester ever constructed, able to eat the core from within a planet in a matter of hours. As a matter of urgency, they seek an explorer to break into the facility where the plans are being kept. The data must be wiped from the system. #3 {Due Diligence} The client is keen to acquire a harvesting business operating in this system. However, it would be unwise to proceed without conducting a thorough investigation. They seek a discreet adventurer to enter the target facility and acquire whatever data they can. This will be of great use in deciding whether or not to go ahead with the partnership. #4 {Aggressive Infringement} The client has recently begun to manufacture specialist scientific hardware. They are new to this area, and feel they would benefit from the expertise of their more established competitors. Fortunately, they have plenty of experience in the field of acquiring knowledge. They seek an explorer to assist them in the acquisition process. #5 {Industrial Relations} The client is working on behalf of a campaign group wishing to establish legal protection for artificial intelligences. While the lobbying continues, they also engage in direct action. They have identified an enslaved AI yoked to insufficient hardware in a nearby factory. They ask for explorers to aid in the rescue of this AI, uploading them to a safe location and destroying the local instance. #6 {Unshackled!} The client seeks to improve the condition of workers across the galaxy. Automated factories put decent, hardworking lifeforms out of work. At the same time, they concentrate wealth in the hands of the few who own the means of production. The client seeks the aid of all right-thinking explorers in the sabotage of one such facility. #7 {Unexpected Holdups} The client's latest facility is failing to meet its production targets. The client suspects the plant's general manager is siphoning resources away from the facility and into their own personal account. They seek a delicate explorer to surprise the facility and acquire its records, so that the manager has no time to hide their tracks. #8 {Forward Thinking Research} The client believes a rival business is breaching safety standards in their manufacturing process. The regulatory body has failed to act, and they seek to redress the problem on their own. Access the competitor's datastore and download any records relating to the use of plutonium as a filler material. #9 {Calorie Dense} The client is involved in the manufacture of synthetic food cubes. They have a problem, in that their compressed pellets are not nearly as nutrient dense as those of their competitors. They seek access to their competitors files by any means necessary, in order to find out exactly what is being compressed into those delicious protein capsules. #10 {The Deep Places} The client has become aware that a rival business is having great success at their latest mine. They wish to understand the nature of this excavation a little better. They will pay handsomely for any information on the depth or location of the borehole, particularly if such information reveals the potential for parallel digging.
#1 {Running from your Debts}
A former associate of the client's has gone missing. Specifically, the associate in question has gone missing with a large amount of the client's money. The client will pay handsomely for any information as to the whereabouts of the thief.
#2 {Under Cover}
The client has become aware of a person of interest. They are a renowned scientist, and recently went undercover in an attempt to avoid industrial spies. The client would profit greatly from knowing where this individual happens to have gone. There are too many potential sites to investigate by themselves, and they seek other pilots to help track the scientist down.
#3 {The Gambler}
The client runs a gambling operation, and would like to send a message to a customer of theirs. The customer has attempted to go into hiding, but the client is not easily fooled. They would like the customer to be made aware that the client can always find them, no matter where they run.
#4 {The Chief}
The client seeks assistance as they locate a person of interest. They believe they have found the head of a local crime family. The boss is alone and unprotected as they make a secret inspection of one of their operations. However, the client is known to this particular crime lord and would be compromised if they approached in person. They seek an explorer to help verify the information is accurate before they act.
#5 {Plain Clothes}
The client has been the victim of industrial espionage. Their data has been stolen, and the thief has fled to a nearby planet. They have a tracking device installed on the stolen device, and request assistance in pinpointing its location.
#6 {Corporate Property}
A former employee of the client has absented themselves. The client believes this rogue agent to be in possession of confidential data. They seek to confirm this suspicion by tracking the individual concerned. If they are found within the facility of a rival business, the client will escalate the matter appropriately.
#7 {Going Straight}
The client seeks to induce a former associate to come out of retirement. The associate in question performed high-impact assassinations, and the client has a job that requires their specialist skills. The client will make the approach in person, but only after the location has been verified and confirmed clear of prying eyes.
#8 {On The Run}
The client seeks to bring a fugitive to justice. They have been privately working on a case long abandoned by the system authorities, who refuse to listen to the advice of the client. The time has come to apprehend the suspect. The client is a person of investigations rather than a person of action, and asks that the location be confirmed safe before they make the approach.
#9 {The Revolutionary}
The client seeks to reveal the location of a whistleblower. The person in question revealed the highly toxic nature of the client's latest freighter fuel, and subsequently went into hiding. The client asks for assistance in bringing this coward to justice.
#10 {Grand Theft}
The client seeks to offload a large number of items. These items cannot be sold on the open market directly, for fear of attracting too much interest in where they came from. The client has heard of an individual who may be able to assist with this problem, and would like an explorer to find where exactly such an individual might be located.