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Monolith - second interaction
A device to allow instantaneous travel between worlds in a single galaxy
Regardless of the actions after the transport, the portal will remain open until one travels back through it. One can save and even exit the game and the portal will remain open.
Every portal has its own unique Portal address. The address is a sequence of twelve glyphs arranged so that one glyph represents the planet, three represent the star system, and eight represent the region.
Portal addresses break down into five parts. The first glyph is the Planet Index. The second, third, and fourth glyphs combine into the Star System Index. The remaining glyphs are used to identify the region (i.e. define X, Y, and Z locations) in the galaxy. It can be visualized as follows:
[P][SSS][YY][ZZZ][XXX] – (P = Planet Index / S = Star System Index / Y = Height / Z = Width / X = Length)
Weekend Missions provide directions to a random portal in the current system.
Additional Information:
A portal's control terminal needs to be charged before the portal can be activated and used. Approaching an uncharged portal from the correct side will cause its terminal to raise from the ground. Each potential glyph is represented by one of sixteen buttons. These buttons do not reflect a user's glyphs and have to be charged regardless of the target address using them or not. A user does not need to have all glyphs to use a portal!
Contents Of Building:
Portals are ancient structures that are all identical in appearance. They have a long cross-shaped platform on the ground that is flanked by floating pillars. On top of this platform stands a tall, slab-like structure with a split down its centre and with an opening at the base that allows beings to pass through it once it is activated. The tunnel has a ring that is covered in the portal glyphs, similar to the chevrons on a stargate. On both sides leading to the tunnel are minor stairs with one end having a submerged control panel that will come out of the ground once an entity enters its vicinity.