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Smoke (03).png


#BG1 Writing.png

Found With:

Operations Centre

A locked building with product blueprints

Logs can be found here: gek; korvax; vy'keen

Additional Information:

When the player solves the puzzle, they will receive 1-2 Factory Override Units and immediately a panel will open up. It shows the possible blueprints that can be unlocked, from which the player can freely choose.

Alternatively, the player may be awarded one at random; or nanites given if they already know the randomly chosen blueprint


Contents Of Building:

It is a three-block single-structure location with a parking beacon. It can be easily confused with an Observatory, which has a satellite dish on top of it. The front door of the structure is locked and will require the player to blast it open with the Plasma Launcher, Boltcaster or Scatter Blaster which will alarm sentinels.

Behind the door in the centre of the room is a terminal with which the player will have to interact to solve a randomly-generated problem. The structure will have 0-3 extensions that require an AtlasPass v2 to enter. The operations centre is guarded closely by three sentinel drones.

#BG2 Infographics.png
#BG3 Videos.png



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