Please be aware that this week is fully booked for me, and I am also recovering from a spinal injury. As such, updating to Relics 5.60 will likely occur over the UK Easter holidays 5th - 20th April, though I may lay some groundwork before then. Apologies for the delay.

Found With:
Manufacturing Facility
A locked building with product blueprints
Interacting with the terminal may have a negative or positive impact on your standing with the alien race that operates the facility. However, it is possible to, in some cases, pick a wrong answer and receive no reward, but still affect your standing with the alien faction.
In abandoned systems, special variants generate which do not have reinforced doors.
Like most Points of Interest, Manufacturing Facilities do not generate in uncharted systems.
Manufacturing Facilities tend to generate singly. However, there is a low chance that they will instead generate as part of a camp.
Additional Information:
When the player solves the puzzle, they will receive 1-2 Factory Override Units and immediately a panel will open up. It shows the possible blueprints that can be unlocked, from which the player can freely choose.
Alternatively, the player may be awarded one at random; or nanites given if they already know the randomly chosen blueprint
Contents Of Building:
Manufacturing Facilities are random discoverable planetary locations. Generally, each facility is locked by a reinforced steel door that the player will have to break through, using advanced weaponry; which will alarm sentinels when attempted. Inside the facility is a terminal with which the player may interact. Interacting with the terminal will present a problem, and a list of possible solutions.